Thanks for your feedback. I read that Moderna and Pfizer paid for the review, so to keep them sweet and paying the bills, the final report had to be "pleasing" to them. At days end it comes down to if you are vaccinated, or not. If not, like me, then hopefully I had a hand in stopping you from having the vaccines by some small degree and then win/win to me.
I think I am Cynical to a degree - the truth of the matter is I've got terrible blase, telling people they should have avoided the vaccines like the plague and then complaining about what happened to them afterwards, because they "volunteered" to have them. At the beginning we were all even footed re these vaccines, we believed the bullshit or cow dung thrown at us, but I at least, was not convinced and decided to wait and see - I had memories of Thalidomide and did not want to see that again ever. What makes me different from the multitude, I have no idea, only here we are and this was a Military Operation and we have not seen the half of it or the final results yet, in my opinion.
if I had relied on external sources for my resistance to the jibby-jabs rather than being another one of those horribly pestilent "do your own research" types who dug into the history (and lack of any authorization for human use before late 2020) of mRNA experimentation and products as well as the rarity and time-and-odds-to-permanent-expiration from suffering myocarditis, your articles could have affected my choices in that regard.
however, my trust for government and their propaganda had me digging into that and other data, like mRNA shedding, PCR cycle counts and midazolam abuse being advised by "health" authorities to medical practitioners, many months before I located your substack (or actually before locating the entire site or any authors on it while seeking alt-media information sources.)
a lot of your information I've already read at various temporal distance from when you present it. some of it is indeed new news to me and I pursue additional data on those tidbits.
I do hope you've been able to convince some folks to avoid the injectable/sheddable DNA modification serums.
however, I'm one of the long time dissidents who never trusted the medical industry after my first exposures to their subsurface insanity post-highschool (early 1990s,) including belief in all the SafeAndEffective™ previous forms of vaccines and most pHarmaceuticals.
I still say keep up the good work, especially on behalf of those who've done less research on their own than I have.
Birds of a feather, flock together - you and me. I've been banging away at these vaccines pretty much since the get go. As stuff came in, I passed it on. I recall Thalidomide, it was horrid to see in the people affected and at one stage in life, I tried to be a Carer for some of the less fortunate - not to be - I give orders, not take them, generally and that let me down in the interview - shit happens!!
You might look at my latest post - Have you connected the dots yet. Be interesting to see how close I am to how that evolves - what do you think?
I like to think, via this substack that I have saved over 1,000 from the vaccines, but goodness knows really, however, if i only saved one life from the vaccines, that is 100% better than just me and saying nothing.
The problem is when Trump or Biden get on stage, the world listens, when I prevaricate on this substack, only those of you who have signed up to my free substack get to read what I say and probably 50% scan the introduction title, as I do - and pass on my pearls of wisdom - it is how it is
I'd hope that my info sharing on "social media" has convinced at least one person to think for themselves who'd otherwise have accepted toxic injections or other poisonous products.
no guarantees though, folks are pretty stubborn about their beliefs and opinions (myself included.) main difference I've noticed is that I at least try to recognize my views are opinion and I don't slap that Truth/Fact label on em. I'm big into the old school scientific method, debate/discourse/show corroborating evidence, and throw out or modify theories shown not to work under specific conditions. being agnostic and irreligious helps with not considering hypotheses, opinions and beliefs as irrevocable gospel Truths. instead they're weighted by available evidence (and also admittedly, coherence with my current worldview) on a sliding scale.
I do think that some folks benefited from reading Establishment-unapproved information such as you present and some of what I've tried to share as well. maybe not many, but saving a few is better than none.
I agree with you and what you say. I like to push the narrative, take it further long than anyone else, try to scare people into cohesive action and to a degree I have some success, but we have lost this war and Biden and his supporters have won, because the majority are like a field of long grass, they bend whichever way the wind blows and so it has been with their vaccines, which don't work and never did - they were just the means to get everyone vaccinated with the Billions of Graphene Oxide particles and ModRNA - that was the true purpose of the vaccines, to make the vaccinated no longer Human by 2013 Law and install a genetic computer with a MAC address into everyone who volunteered and then a computer somewhere can kill by various means at its disposal, without any come back on anyone - in my opinion. I am just surprised it has not happened yet as I previously predicted - maybe the Elite have to be in their bunkers first - so a bit of free time yet.
aside from the temporal limitations and short specific symptom list you point out..
while the study conclusion is "limited harms occur," the data included in the study doesn't support the "limited" talking point.
just a quick comment, and a mention that I do often find your information promulgation useful/interesting. keep up the good work!
Thanks for your feedback. I read that Moderna and Pfizer paid for the review, so to keep them sweet and paying the bills, the final report had to be "pleasing" to them. At days end it comes down to if you are vaccinated, or not. If not, like me, then hopefully I had a hand in stopping you from having the vaccines by some small degree and then win/win to me.
I think I am Cynical to a degree - the truth of the matter is I've got terrible blase, telling people they should have avoided the vaccines like the plague and then complaining about what happened to them afterwards, because they "volunteered" to have them. At the beginning we were all even footed re these vaccines, we believed the bullshit or cow dung thrown at us, but I at least, was not convinced and decided to wait and see - I had memories of Thalidomide and did not want to see that again ever. What makes me different from the multitude, I have no idea, only here we are and this was a Military Operation and we have not seen the half of it or the final results yet, in my opinion.
if I had relied on external sources for my resistance to the jibby-jabs rather than being another one of those horribly pestilent "do your own research" types who dug into the history (and lack of any authorization for human use before late 2020) of mRNA experimentation and products as well as the rarity and time-and-odds-to-permanent-expiration from suffering myocarditis, your articles could have affected my choices in that regard.
however, my trust for government and their propaganda had me digging into that and other data, like mRNA shedding, PCR cycle counts and midazolam abuse being advised by "health" authorities to medical practitioners, many months before I located your substack (or actually before locating the entire site or any authors on it while seeking alt-media information sources.)
a lot of your information I've already read at various temporal distance from when you present it. some of it is indeed new news to me and I pursue additional data on those tidbits.
I do hope you've been able to convince some folks to avoid the injectable/sheddable DNA modification serums.
however, I'm one of the long time dissidents who never trusted the medical industry after my first exposures to their subsurface insanity post-highschool (early 1990s,) including belief in all the SafeAndEffective™ previous forms of vaccines and most pHarmaceuticals.
I still say keep up the good work, especially on behalf of those who've done less research on their own than I have.
Birds of a feather, flock together - you and me. I've been banging away at these vaccines pretty much since the get go. As stuff came in, I passed it on. I recall Thalidomide, it was horrid to see in the people affected and at one stage in life, I tried to be a Carer for some of the less fortunate - not to be - I give orders, not take them, generally and that let me down in the interview - shit happens!!
You might look at my latest post - Have you connected the dots yet. Be interesting to see how close I am to how that evolves - what do you think?
I like to think, via this substack that I have saved over 1,000 from the vaccines, but goodness knows really, however, if i only saved one life from the vaccines, that is 100% better than just me and saying nothing.
The problem is when Trump or Biden get on stage, the world listens, when I prevaricate on this substack, only those of you who have signed up to my free substack get to read what I say and probably 50% scan the introduction title, as I do - and pass on my pearls of wisdom - it is how it is
I'd hope that my info sharing on "social media" has convinced at least one person to think for themselves who'd otherwise have accepted toxic injections or other poisonous products.
no guarantees though, folks are pretty stubborn about their beliefs and opinions (myself included.) main difference I've noticed is that I at least try to recognize my views are opinion and I don't slap that Truth/Fact label on em. I'm big into the old school scientific method, debate/discourse/show corroborating evidence, and throw out or modify theories shown not to work under specific conditions. being agnostic and irreligious helps with not considering hypotheses, opinions and beliefs as irrevocable gospel Truths. instead they're weighted by available evidence (and also admittedly, coherence with my current worldview) on a sliding scale.
I do think that some folks benefited from reading Establishment-unapproved information such as you present and some of what I've tried to share as well. maybe not many, but saving a few is better than none.
I agree with you and what you say. I like to push the narrative, take it further long than anyone else, try to scare people into cohesive action and to a degree I have some success, but we have lost this war and Biden and his supporters have won, because the majority are like a field of long grass, they bend whichever way the wind blows and so it has been with their vaccines, which don't work and never did - they were just the means to get everyone vaccinated with the Billions of Graphene Oxide particles and ModRNA - that was the true purpose of the vaccines, to make the vaccinated no longer Human by 2013 Law and install a genetic computer with a MAC address into everyone who volunteered and then a computer somewhere can kill by various means at its disposal, without any come back on anyone - in my opinion. I am just surprised it has not happened yet as I previously predicted - maybe the Elite have to be in their bunkers first - so a bit of free time yet.