Well, of the 99 million who took part in the recent “vaccines are safe” project which lasted for 42 days after injection and then finished
99 million people surveyed, can’t be wrong for the 27 “safe” days monitored!!
Well, of the 99 million who took part in the recent “vaccines are safe” project which lasted for 42 days after injection and then finished, that things go from bad to worse after the 50th day out from the first injection and from the first 14 days after injection, they are NOT vaccinated and only on the 15th day from injection are they “vaccinated” so I suppose the 99 million were in the period between the 15th day and the 42nd day and that was what the evaluation was based on, so the evaluation period was for just 27 days and was for 13 specific side effects, not all of them.
Wow – vaccines are safe and everyone should have them – the facts speak for themselves, 99 million people surveyed, can’t be wrong for the 27 “safe” days monitored!!
Of course, anyone who becomes ill or dies within those 14 days is not vaccinated, so it is no fault of the vaccines, it is because for days 1 to 15, they were not vaccinated and their not being vaccinated, was the problem!!
aside from the temporal limitations and short specific symptom list you point out..
while the study conclusion is "limited harms occur," the data included in the study doesn't support the "limited" talking point.
just a quick comment, and a mention that I do often find your information promulgation useful/interesting. keep up the good work!