People have got to begin to understand that there is a war on humanity and the principles of humanity. There is a war of reproduction which is the core of humanity. The covid weapon attacks that core element of humanity. Folks have to think what does humanity look like in 100 years? That is the game these elements and interest that have executed this are playing! They are not playing for next week. The masses are at a disadvantage because they are fighting to hold on to the status of middle class. The food and the greater environment is toxic as well. This is a multi vector attack. Mentality individuals can't imagine or conceive in their minds what has been said. Facts do not matter when worries and fears rule. We as individuals who are in the know and understanding must have a consortium/coalition to start this discussion. We are playing from behind! Folks first have to wipe the fear gene out so they realize that what they think they have to lose a job or some type of money will not matter if you do not own your body and own your health. If you do not control your body and mind then all is for naught. We are in another realm/world/dimension now. The old thoughts/rules do not apply that much anymore

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Agreed. But the multitude do whatever the TV or Newspapers tell them to do and when Trump or Biden get on stage the whole world stops to listen and they both control the press. When I get on my substack soapbox - a couple of hundred might read what I post. You got a better way? Therein is the problem

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All we can do is keep at it organically. One person help access many. You never know!!!

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Right. I think hararri said it best when he spoke about us having already given permission with covidian measures to go forward with their IoT (internet of things)…this connects our bodies to the internet for strict control, as even out of his mouth. “That’s over!” he stated, when he spoke of private thoughts even. What a kook. What a demon.

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Yes, I read an article today where the vaccines change the direction of thought from the brain to reception by 5G and presumably control that way, via the vaccinated's new MAC address, which corpses buried, still transmit after death - not sure I'm up to corpses arising from graves, just yet.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 14

I've been occasionally playing around with a Bluetooth detector for "unknown" MAC addresses from the "vaccinated" for a few years. They're everywhere. In a public place such as a grocery or anywhere there's a lot of people, I get multiple screens of unknown MAC addresses. If I pull over in a rural unpopulated area, when the occasional car drives by, I can tell which cars have "vaccinated" people in them, and which cars don't. Before staying in the remote house (see my other comment), I assumed each vaccinated individual had a single MAC address that would stay the same. I discovered that wasn't the case. See my long comment I just posted. And thank you for your newsletter. It's appreciated.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 14

I have some information about the MAC addresses emitting from the vaccinated I would like to share, as I don't see anything about this particular information online. Not long ago, for several months I stayed in a remote house in a rural area, with no close neighbors, where you could barely get a cell signal unless you were in certain spots by certain windows in the house. For a couple months I could detect zero Bluetooth mac addresses in or around the house.

Then a "Covid vaccinated" individual moved into the house. I was not friends with this person, close to this person, and he did not know I was monitoring his MAC addresses. We never talked much. He stayed in a separate part of the house than me. This gave me the opportunity to monitor the "unknown" MAC addresses emitting from him for a couple of months. When he wasn't home there were no MAC addresses picked up in the house. As he would pull into the driveway coming home, my device would start picking up his MAC addresses. Here are some findings, some very unexpected:

1. He emitted multiple MAC addresses at any given time. Sometimes he was emitting 1 MAC address only. The most common amount was he was emitting was about 3 to 4 MAC addresses at a time. He was emitting different amounts of MAC addresses throughout the day and night. It seemed to vary randomly. Sometimes 3, sometimes 7 or 8 different MAC addresses at a time, sometimes 10 or 12. The most MAC addresses he emitted at one time, that I saw, was 14. Yes, once he was emitting 14 MAC addresses at the same time. Apparently there are multiple things turning off and on in his body emitting the MAC addresses, so the amount of MAC addresses emitting at any given time varied a lot.

2. I took daily screen shots of the MAC addresses he was emitting for a couple of weeks and compared them from day to day, and week to week. The MAC addresses changed daily. He emitted different MAC addresses every day. I never saw him emitting the same MAC address twice. So every day he had a new set of MAC addresses with different numbers and letters. I suspect that whatever these different processes were that were emitting the MAC addresses from inside of him would turn off, then turn back on, or, turn off and then later be reactivated. Each time they would turn back on they would apparently be assigned a new MAC address. His MAC addresses were completely different numbers and letters every day.

3. Once I detected all of his MAC addresses were off, and he emitted no MAC addresses. It was at about 3 am (I suspect he was sleeping) he emitted nothing. I suspect whatever is creating the MAC addresses had turned themselves off to recharge or something? This also explains why he was usually emitting different numbers of MAC addresses day to day and hour to hour. Sometimes certain processes stop emitting a MAC address for awhile, turn themselves off, then turn back on later, with a new MAC address.

I was not monitoring his MAC addresses 24x7. I had a busy life at the time and was working full time. I would monitor them daily though. I would check his MAC addresses a few times per day. I could sit my device next to my computer with the Bluetooth detector screen up, blank, and would see his "unknown" MAC addresses start populating the screen as soon as he pulled into the driveway. In other words, I could tell when he arrived home from his MAC addresses even before I could hear him or see him. I could also tell if he was home or not, at any given time, just by checking my Bluetooth analyzer for his MAC addresses. I could then check whether his car was there or gone, to verify the results which were always accurate (except the one time his "operating system" seemed to have been turned off when he emitted no MAC addresses).

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