Don't forget the insurance companies were giving doctors bonuses for administering the jab to people. This is a whole level of evil.

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The hospitals were the kill zone that expanded the death count. If you went in there your family couldn't come and the hospital staff had free reins. It was sad for many families.

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Agreed - and for my money they still are. Went to get my toenails cut today, sign on the door said the staff were all fully vaccinated and to get mine if we were needing them - like go fuck yourself, was my response to that, yet the waiting room was crowded with vaccine junkies presumably - like I've said, I don't shit in my own nest, only my American one.

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They still have that up.... Oh wow.

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They do here. SotoGirl, who lives in America said she just received notification from her son's school that all kids must be fully vaccinated before returning to school.

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Luv sotogirl. Depends in what state you are in I believe on that. The script tease is the blue state (democrat) is vax and Red much more lenient

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Fuck you, get in line (behind me) she sounds yummy, yummy young too - Red being Republican then?

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Red is Republican. I use script tease metaphorically. lol. But I get your message

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