Me: Trump is a convicted felon awaiting punishment on 18th September, a convicted sex offender who likes groping women between their legs, because he can, a white pig who is racist against people of c
I am so embarrassed for my fellow Americans. They really do not see the 'trump' is completely controlled by IzrAhell. It's like I'm speaking to toddlers when I point out who he is loyal and aligned with. FFS his own son in law has close ties to the PM of that heinous country. Enough to know, from his own words, he used to call him uncle Bibi as a child. Our government gave a standing ovation to that war criminal 2 weeks ago while he was here pimping for money and military 'supplies'. Meaning our soldiers. Oh an 46 of those members being DUAL citizens to IzRaHell. DUAL CITIZENS?? Nobody sees this conflict of interest. They just want to label me a 'racist'. Ummmm, okay whatever. We are so infiltrated it is obscene. A thing like sexual assault is like the 5th thing that is wrong with him and this system. People just don't know or don't care. I can't figure it out. You have no idea how much my son fights me because I want to leave here. It's to the point I'm going to have to lie like a rug to get him out. And we aren't coming back here.
“I’m not a Christian” is what he said
I am so embarrassed for my fellow Americans. They really do not see the 'trump' is completely controlled by IzrAhell. It's like I'm speaking to toddlers when I point out who he is loyal and aligned with. FFS his own son in law has close ties to the PM of that heinous country. Enough to know, from his own words, he used to call him uncle Bibi as a child. Our government gave a standing ovation to that war criminal 2 weeks ago while he was here pimping for money and military 'supplies'. Meaning our soldiers. Oh an 46 of those members being DUAL citizens to IzRaHell. DUAL CITIZENS?? Nobody sees this conflict of interest. They just want to label me a 'racist'. Ummmm, okay whatever. We are so infiltrated it is obscene. A thing like sexual assault is like the 5th thing that is wrong with him and this system. People just don't know or don't care. I can't figure it out. You have no idea how much my son fights me because I want to leave here. It's to the point I'm going to have to lie like a rug to get him out. And we aren't coming back here.
It's to the point I'm going to have to lie like a rug to get him out. And we aren't coming back here.
Me: Where are you going to go then?