Trump is much worse than ‘weird’ - His astonishing self-regard has been on full display of late.
Me: Trump is a convicted felon awaiting punishment on 18th September, a convicted sex offender who likes groping women between their legs, because he can, a white pig who is racist against people of c
Trump is much worse than ‘weird’
His astonishing self-regard has been on full display of late.
By Colbert I. King
August 2, 2024 at 4:39 p.m. EDT
Donald Trump’s high regard for himself has been on full display. On July 26, he went to the Believers Summit in West Palm Beach, Fla., to glorify his endeavors on behalf of Christians. That same day, he used a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach to extoll the Trump administration’s treatment of Israel and emphasize the credit he feels is his due from American Jews. And on Wednesday, he went before an assembly of Black journalists in Chicago to proclaim, “I have been the best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln.”
The idea that Trump’s behavior is weird has caught on of late, and it is. And surely Trump’s messianic frame of mind has been a wonder — and scary sight — to behold.
“I love you, Christians,” Trump told Believers Summit attendees gathered under the umbrella of Turning Point Action, a conservative political advocacy group. “I’m a Christian. I love you. Get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”
Bearing down, Trump said: “It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”
The nation has lost its way and is in decline, Trump told the audience of young Christian conservatives. He blamed low Christian voter turnout. “You know, I don’t want to scold you, but do you know that Christians do not vote proportionately? They don’t vote like they should. They’re not big voters,” Trump said. He produced no evidence of that. White Evangelicals and White Catholics overwhelmingly support the Republican Party. That matters not to Trump.
“We are not going to allow this horror to continue,” he declared. Vote like you should, Trump told them, and “we will soon be a great nation again.”
Then again, Trump believes he owns the truth on all things Israel and Jewish. At the Believers Summit, Trump said Vice President Harris, now the Democratic nominee for president, “doesn’t like Jewish people. She doesn’t like Israel. That’s the way it is, and that’s the way it’s always going to be. She’s not going to change.” In a radio interview Tuesday, he proclaimed that Jews who support Harris should “have their head examined.”
No matter that Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff, is Jewish. That as a student, Harris helped raise money for the Jewish National Fund. That she established a hate crimes unit as San Francisco’s district attorney and gave priority to combating antisemitism when she was California’s attorney general.
So much for that.
The best of Trump’s tour was saved for this week’s National Association of Black Journalists gathering in Chicago.
It was a disaster, with Trump exposing the racism, cynicism and hostility that lurk within his self-righteousness.
Set aside his repulsive dig at Harris’s heritage, his lies and evasive answers to straightforward questions from seasoned journalists, and his unhinged self-comparison to Lincoln. Step back to consider what has been on display.
Trump believes he knows what is true and right, because he’s blessed with superior knowledge. To his way of thinking, he’s entitled to be president, was victimized in the 2020 election by evil forces, and ought to be admired and praised for all he has done and for the presidential campaign he is waging now.
“Listen up Christians, Jews and Black people. I am the solution,” I can imagine Trump saying. Weird, yes. But ethically unbound and self-centered autocrats think that way.
The Washington Post
Me: Trump is a convicted felon awaiting punishment on 18th September, a convicted sex offender who likes groping women between their legs, because he can, a white pig who is racist against people of colour, what's not to love for the next American President - vote RFK he has the ancestry from JFK, the best President America ever had and more than a match for Harris.
“I’m not a Christian” is what he said
I am so embarrassed for my fellow Americans. They really do not see the 'trump' is completely controlled by IzrAhell. It's like I'm speaking to toddlers when I point out who he is loyal and aligned with. FFS his own son in law has close ties to the PM of that heinous country. Enough to know, from his own words, he used to call him uncle Bibi as a child. Our government gave a standing ovation to that war criminal 2 weeks ago while he was here pimping for money and military 'supplies'. Meaning our soldiers. Oh an 46 of those members being DUAL citizens to IzRaHell. DUAL CITIZENS?? Nobody sees this conflict of interest. They just want to label me a 'racist'. Ummmm, okay whatever. We are so infiltrated it is obscene. A thing like sexual assault is like the 5th thing that is wrong with him and this system. People just don't know or don't care. I can't figure it out. You have no idea how much my son fights me because I want to leave here. It's to the point I'm going to have to lie like a rug to get him out. And we aren't coming back here.