The great delusion--identity politics....I like....I don't like.....dumb me down, and down, and down....

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When you described RFK Jr. as a damp squid--that resonated with me. I think his latest interviews have perhaps helped some people realize how poor our health care policies have become. He has no chance to win the presidency. The Democrats refused to let anybody but Biden run in the primaries. Both parities refuse to let any independent candidates speak at primaries. They also make constant legal challenges to putting him on the ballot--which forces him to drain his campaign donations by paying for expensive legal defenses. RFK JR was promised a key role in determining vaccine policy by Donald Trump before the 2016 election. But Trump gave the position to Alex Azar instead--breaking his promise. Trump seems for sale to the highest bidder. RFK Jr. had no chance running as a Democrat, no chance running as an independent. His only chance to influence health policy is to get Trump to give him an influential role in his administration. All people who agree with RFK Jr's messages on health are excited that he can turn our policies around. I believe, unfortunately, that he cannot. From all the campaign speeches I have watched, Trump is proud that he started the mRNA vaccines to be released "at WARP speed," and credits himself for saving the U.S. with his Covid policies. He urges his supporters to get vaccinated and still keeps doing it--even when he gets booed.

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I don't believe Trump can beat Kamala. Mark Crispin Miller who is a tenured professor of media studies at NY University believes the 2016 and 2020 elections were stolen. He has written at least 2 books criticizing the honesty of U.S. elections. He believes that mail in ballots foster cheating. Also computerized vote counts can be hacked. THEREFORE, I predict Kamala will win. NOT because she is truly more popular than Trump--but because the bureaucrats that run our government cannot lose their ability to impose globalism on the world. They will do everything to win. Starting with getting rid of Biden and putting Kamala in as their candidate. Everyone is posting as though the vote matters. I fear it does not. I'm truly saddened about this.

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Trump beat Clinton by suggesting some later proven dishonest remark, which Clinton could not recover from in time and she lost the swing voters, who voted Trump in, instead. As events have since shown, Trump hid things which would have had him barred from being a POTUS candidate, for the POTUS he did win, when everyone was calling him "The Donald". The election where he caught Covid, but had a medicinal preparation and avoided having the Covid shots altogether, before or since, because he knew their intention, from the outset.

I don't like Trump and I personally hold him responsible for his "Operation Warp Speed" which was at the same time that the WHO, WEF, AUKUS Covid scare and vaccines were applied to all other countries, at the same time, including mine - to nudge or force as many people as possible to get Pfizer or Moderna vaccinated along with J&J, Astrazeneca and others - they all had the same Graphene Oxide and Nanotechnology in them, the purpose of the vaccines, in the first place, in my opinion = The Great Reset, or if you like the overall extermination of we, the Human Rubbish, the Elite see us as, and nothing about Trump changes that in my opinion - although, so far as I can see, vaccines wise, Harris is no better.

If Trump loses POTUS ,then hopefully he will end his days in prison where he deserves to be and he won't have any protections from that happening then, as NOT being voted in as POTUS, by the Judges who have wisely decided on a "wait and see" approach, in my opinion - "He or She who pays The Piper, calls the tune".

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