heard about this months ago. As I have said much to my chagrin this is not stopping. People just are to dormant and to hospitable in this era. Is as if the spirit of any fight has been stripped from them especially in the western world. Oh well.

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These people can all go to hell.

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Did you notice the blurb about Vietnam: The Vietnam Human Trials

Over 9,000 people in Vietnam were infected with the alphavirus-based Replicon “vaccine” in Phase 1, 2 and 3 human studies.

Has there already been leakage of genetic material from the ARCT-154, a self-amplifying mRNA covid-19 vaccine into animals and insects in Vietnam?

Has anyone checked?

Since China drove America out of Vietnam in 1979, if my memory serves me correctly, then it follows the Chinese have probably injected their populations with a Replican Vaccine, as well as Vietnam - has any report of people dying more often than not emerged from Vietnam yet, re Replicon?

I imagine that it is inevitable that the extermination process will continue into the arms of the willing, although at the moment we don't have a pandemic of any sort and MPox is for Gay males or Queers anyway and I'm neither of those and gone off sex anyway - was a time when MPox was VAIDS, or multiple shots of the Covid Vaccines which caused AIDS like illness whic h was then called MonkeyPox or VAIDS - anyway, for Gays, it seemed appropriate Arsehole Infected Death Sentence - I suppose MPox is less "directed" as it were - one doctor recently called MPox Covid and Herpes combined - sounds about right.

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Well, people can call me whatever names they want but for those who want the truth it's in

The Protocals of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Prove me wrong.......................

They have a 'plan'.

It's not a conspiracy theory.

Americans are the slowest herd animals on the planet but Russia, Europe and Arabs should remember history although we must research ourselves because they do not teach the truth.

The far east has also been ambushed by these 'creatures' but it was farther back in time so it's covered up in fake history.



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King Charles 3rd's Great Reset was supposed to reduce human populations of us Human Rubbish down to numbers of rich people who don't need us anymore, now that they have robots to do the work we once did and their robots don't need food or holidays or any payment, apart from the initial purchase - and I have seen nothing to suggest that is still not the game plan.

I have been thinking of the billions who died in World War 2 (1939-1945) and with so many easily wiped out by bombs, bullets, gas and other despicable means, then there are no checks or balances for a core of "cunts" for want of a better word, being able to do the same thing to us this time around and there is nothing to stop them, that I can see - only refuse to have their vaccines and refuse to be Euthanised, which is actually the same thing, so far as I can see: Vaccines, The Gift Which Keeps Killing - those it was injected in to.

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