President Trump received recommendations from his Cabinet that included deep state operatives carried over from the prior administration.

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Trump did answer the question why he is still pushing covid vaccines (which he never had, or is on video as having). His answer dispels the myth that he isn’t aware of the damage they cause. This is the link to his answer in an interview by Sharyl Atkinson. "Interestingly, he said he was “mandated” to deliver the mRNA shots. Meaning he openly admits he is following orders", presumably from the group of lizards presiding over the global “shadow government”. I am quite certain this entity is real and it controls the elected government actors (Trump is a member of the Screen Actors Guild), although I am not insisting they are actually lizards. He also said that he needs to woo Democrats who love covid vaccines (presumably that means lying about injectable poison is ok), and that “they are doing studies on safety” which will be available AFTER the elections, in 2025. Now, this part is a blatant lie. Nobody is doing any long term safety clinical trials.

The Midwestern Doctor

Me: President of what - not yet anything.

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Me: "President Trump" gave the order to the "Department of Defense to commence vaccine development" and even gave it a cool name: Operation Warp Speed.

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Me: That was when Trump was President - he is not yet President of anything, except, potentially, a prison cell in Rikers Prison.

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Yes, and none dare speak about central banking, which is the greatest crime ever invented, or the criminal nature of corporations, which are government monstrosities that live forever, like Dracula, and have more rights, powers, and privileges, than a living human being, like Frankenstein. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court has persistently insisted that corporations are “private” and therefore immune from the restrictions imposed upon the government by the constitution. Like Hell they are “private.” How many people must corporations maim and murder before they are recognized as their menace??? And yes, I recognize that corporations have contributed considerable technological advances----but at what price?? And for whose privilege??

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My article was about Trump, facts which I think every American should consider before making their vote for who they want as their next President, as Trump, no matter the lies he tells, was always in favor of the vaccines he pushed into all of you, while never having been televised as having any himself - and Trump will continue where he left off promoting and arranging the continued injections of vaccines into all of you, if elected your next President for 4 years - not that Harris is any better, mind you, but at least Harris is more honest about it.

Trump sees the Presidency as being the way he can beat all of the Legal charges made against him, where he has been found Guilty and fined, has been declared a Felon and Sex Offender against women, though not punished personally yet - or taken to Trial yet, for the Court cases outstanding and if elected as President, the right to dismiss the US$100 Million he owes in fines so far, along with everything else which predetermined them - that he will make sure he never has to repay, so that at days end, my take on Trump for President, is all about himself and the mire he has put himself in and how he can easily leverage himself out of it, by winning the next Presidential term, but for himself.

On the one hand I have tremendous admiration for Trump and what he has achieved so far and potentially could achieve if he makes President, on the other, I am concerned about his loyalty to those who vote him in, or Trump's lack of loyalty, once his hidden agenda comes into the light and we really see what ,as President, he has in mind for all of you - continued population reduction, on behalf of those who pull his strings?

The purpose of this overview, is to gather together what we know so far and give you who read it, an update and nothing more.

I agree that it is not a perfect world and there are other issues which ideally, should be addressed, but they are not issues which can be changed at this stage of the political Presidency competition and ultimately it comes down to who is elected and whether their loyalty is to their party, or you the individuals who vote them into that Presidency, which they hope to win.

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I didn’t mean to contest any of your points. I sought instead to draw attention to the most monstrous threats to our civilization that are ignored by both political parties. My philosophy is that of the old Greek Stoics: “Abstain from beans” (the Athenians used beans to vote). In other words, “Don’t vote, it only encourages them.” However, we now face a horrible situation where our civilization is threatened by unbridled pollution, infertility, declining health and intelligence, and the extreme concentration of wealth and power that fosters destructive politics. Bankster gangsters, oily oligarchs, and corporate drug pushers remain unscathed as they commit mass murder and lack the common sense to realize that they are killing the goose that lays their golden eggs while they worship money and Mammon. The American Experiment with constitutional democracy is a disastrous failure. Money is like manure; when spread about, it makes things grow; but when it piles up, it tends to stink. This election just might be the last one that offers the public any choice at all. The Kamala Creature is the puppet of Dick Cheney, who is first cousin of Darth Vader, and the Blackrock crowd of perverse billionaires who are fascinated by little girls and worse. If they prevail, then future elections will be a total joke. At least the Trumpster kept us out of war for four years. This time he will likely wind up murdered even before he gets elected. As someone once noted, “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Government by its very nature concentrates the power, politics, privilege and persuasion that prevails over all forms of human endeavor into the hands of the most selfish, sociopathic, deceitful, and murderous individuals, and liquidates anyone who dares to make serious reforms. Just look at what happened to the Gracci family of Rome, and the Kennedys of our time. The advance in computer technology has sparked the beginning of a new industrial revolution, and the recent discovery of the mammalian stress mechanism has placed medicine at the threshold of revolutionary advance that might eradicate disease forever, but the promise of these developments cannot defray the decline of our Idiocracy forever. God help us all. www.stressmechanism.com

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Hi Lewis - Thanks for your reply. I was not sure how to respond to your last comment because you were seeing issues beyond my remit and the topic which I wished to raise at the time - but I welcome anything you wish to add and add someone else's viewpoint to that of my own - it is my hope that while I can't offer any resolution to your thoughts, perhaps others better placed in society to me, might read what you have written and give them pause to reconsider their points of view, to include yours as well - so what better place than here and now, to voice those thoughts - and I thank you for that.

I fear for whoever the next American President might be and what the outcome of that election choice might be in the years to come - my hope was with RFK, but since he threw in the towel with Trump, it blew me out of the water and now I'm totally disappointed in RFK and the whole election thing.

Seems best to post the dark side of Trump and leave Harris and her husband to the press and the public and hope for the best - for all.

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