This is what a free press would put on the front page

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Well, my substack is free and it's what I've been posting on it these past 4 years or so - fancy that!!

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At that point when the clots were being pulled out in 2022 the shots should have been yanked. They were not! There is so much compounding evidence to say ok we won't blame but we can question to say lets take a pause on these shots..... Nope. That should tell folks all of our regulatory and political parties/bureaucracy is listening to something else and not what is called the electorate. When will folks say something is wrong???? What are folks waiting for? What are doctors/nurses waiting as they are on the front line. THE BIGGEST QUESTION IS WHO, WHOM OR WHAT IS CALLING THE SHOT ABOVE GOVERNMENTS THAT ARE ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE.

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Richard C of the Three Sages said to me that there are shadow operatives who live and work in a higher status than us mere mortals and they dictate the policies we just follow, because we are governed by their Laws, which apply to us, but not to them. Occasionally one of them slips up and falls through the grate into our world and Epstein was one of those - there was a post on the internet, supposedly from Rothschild to a news reporter at the beginning of the pandemic in which Rothschild saw himself as a God who ruled over us all, kept our numbers down and invoked wars which he had a personal interest in, building the ongoing wealth of his banks around the world (and there are many of them) and pitting countries against each other to generate even more wealth fo him. Rothschild died about 6 months ago at 87 if my memory serves me well and The English Royal Family paraded a horse with a black towel over its back, probably in respect and memory of his passing, that day he died.

King Charles 3rd was the person who coined the phrase "The Great Reset" and it was his father, the English Queen's husband, who was reported to have said he would like to be reborn as a virus to kill as many of us off that he could - it is how it is.

Know your place - Scum!!

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I do remember those things! But the point of Rothschild there are folks above that clan. I get that. I am saying if we are going down in flames anyway then why not go down slinging and swinging. Those people need us to follow their syatem1 if we say no we are not then what do they do? The question is if we the scum have no choice then what game are we really playing? What life are we really living? Just thought streams so folks go hmmm...

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If, like me, you are not vaccinated, then we are of The Elite, because like The Elite, they won't get vaccinated either and like us, retain their Human Rights By Law, it was only those who volunteered for the vaccines who have become "No Longer Human", but for arguments sake "Crash Test Dummies" and you know what happens to them don't you?

Read an article, posted it too recently, which said in the article that the anti vaxxers were right after all and we would repopulate the world, like Duh!!, that is the purpose of this extermination and The Elite who repopulate our world to their order, without the Human Rubbish they exterminated for that reason.

Not much good for me - had the op to not be able to have kids anymore - and it's been so long my body has forgotten that function or how to do it - late 70's - what about you, still gung ho and capable?

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If people start to utilize the last free state in the world...... which is their mind then we have a chance as a people. I realize that what you put in your body matters. Individuals act like they have a spare body. They value materials which are not a orgasm that is alive.

I view there game plan as one to keep people sick but alive so they can milk the sick for money. That is what the Digerati and Pharmacati needs. If folks are dead then no money. I view this more from C4 to your door no beef no more! Biggie Smalls

My C4 is - confused/convenience/convoluted/comply

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We only eat fish now, with vegetables and I drink water slightly touched with sugar free Orange Juice Cordial, good breakfast, but just enough to keep the body going, from meal to meal and sugar blast each time after eating, usually sleep for a bit, as my body recovers for the next bit, meal to meal.

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Of all the things post 2020 Covid related the two things I find most interesting are the graphene oxide and these calamari clots. I want to learn as much as I can about these because it’s so fascinating. Please post more on these topics if you can. Thanks.

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My past posts cover the Graphene Oxider in the injection, by what Dr Noack published before his demise in 2019/20 but if you want more info have a look at Robert O Young - Google him. He has an Electron Microscope and he took loads of photo's and provided diagrams too, of the blood from those who were vaccinated and what he found and he was very literally expressive in his researches, a lot more than I am.

The white blood clots, I understood to be misfolded proteins, but the language is above my pay grade, however supposedly like Mad Cow Disease apparently.

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