Hi Christine, I hope you're well. Regarding this latest article and I quote: " a 77% decrease in schizophrenia, and a 32.8% decrease in bipolar disorder."-were these descriptions typo-errors? I would have expected to see an INCREASE in both schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder.
Sadly they are watching us too. I had to print out a copy of a diagnosis for my 5 year old niece and the ONLY RED LETTERS were next to CoVid JaB- NOT DONE.
She is 5 years old. I looked at my chart online through the patient portal and holy shit it said the same thing. RED LETTERS--NOT DONE. We don't even go to the same health care providers. Or even doctors in the same state!!!!!!!! It's almost as if it's a software for monitoring jabbed/unjabbed.
I might need to take a day or two off from informing myself..............
I suspect my own medical record says much the same thing - the digital one which is held somewhere by the Seniors Medical Control lot - when they bring in digitization with your mobile phone and a picture of your face (like with a Drivers License) then things might get interesting - I won't comply, or rather I won't comply while I can still resist and then some, but I've still got my 12 volt car engine to short myself out on (a spark plug lead afterwards) if the shock kills me, at least it will be by my choice - much laughter!!
Don't know if you read the article, but they can get their vaccines past the BBB with a nasal puff of whatever vaccine they want to implant now - my free salt water cure is ever more necessary, it seems.
Hi Christine, I hope you're well. Regarding this latest article and I quote: " a 77% decrease in schizophrenia, and a 32.8% decrease in bipolar disorder."-were these descriptions typo-errors? I would have expected to see an INCREASE in both schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder.
Me too - however, I was quoting the Midwestern Doctor and he or she knows better than I obviously.
Sadly they are watching us too. I had to print out a copy of a diagnosis for my 5 year old niece and the ONLY RED LETTERS were next to CoVid JaB- NOT DONE.
She is 5 years old. I looked at my chart online through the patient portal and holy shit it said the same thing. RED LETTERS--NOT DONE. We don't even go to the same health care providers. Or even doctors in the same state!!!!!!!! It's almost as if it's a software for monitoring jabbed/unjabbed.
I might need to take a day or two off from informing myself..............
I suspect my own medical record says much the same thing - the digital one which is held somewhere by the Seniors Medical Control lot - when they bring in digitization with your mobile phone and a picture of your face (like with a Drivers License) then things might get interesting - I won't comply, or rather I won't comply while I can still resist and then some, but I've still got my 12 volt car engine to short myself out on (a spark plug lead afterwards) if the shock kills me, at least it will be by my choice - much laughter!!
Don't know if you read the article, but they can get their vaccines past the BBB with a nasal puff of whatever vaccine they want to implant now - my free salt water cure is ever more necessary, it seems.
I'm sorry. I accidentally sent samples of my dogs' poops instead of my own.