Me: I flippantly said, some months ago that all Doctors were Representatives of Big Pharma and not your Family Doctor anymore
you volunteered to an extermination program and the medical profession are just helping you push it along
Me: I flippantly said, some months ago that all Doctors were Representatives of Big Pharma and not your Family Doctor anymore - but that point has been brought home in the articles part of which I posted below, to make my point.
However, the behavior of the many corporate health systems around the country effectively “weeded out” all unvaccinated employees - not only in the medical professions but also in all industries in general, which means for Doctors and the medical staff to retain their employment and qualifications, they had to be vaccinated and prescribe vaccines to all of their patents, irrespective of the harms those vaccines might later do - or they would lose their medical qualifications and never be able to practice as a Doctor, ever again.
When you next go to see your Doctor or medical professional, remember that whatever your personal relationship with them before, that has now changed, now they ARE representatives of Big Pharma and controlled by Big Pharma and you are the victim they are going to take advantage of, not because they want to, but because they must.
Let's put that into some sort of succinct appreciation then - you volunteered to an extermination program and the medical profession are just helping you push it along, so it makes sense that governments have, or are, introducing Euthanasia Laws, so they are in place to "terminate" those with Brain Fog, Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer's, Vascular Dementia and Parkinson's Disease and any other illness deemed unsuitable, to be kept alive from, including old age, once you have "lost your marbles", which could relate to at least 75% of the vaccinated populations, in the next few years to come, all of which relates back to Big Pharma for the creation of that problem with their vaccines and the final solution to that problem with Euthanasia programs already in place and good to go, all helped along by Big Pharma - see below:
The mRNA “vaccine,” like Covid itself, causes immense amounts of cognitive dysfunction, i.e. “brain fog” and worse. In my Leading Edge Clinic specialty practice where we treat Long Covid/Long Vax (70% are Long Vax) of the almost 1500 chronically ill patients we have encountered, the vast majority report new-onset cognitive dysfunction.
The real tragedy is that the mandate from CMS specified that “accommodations” (i.e. exemptions) should be offerred by the involved health care facilities, however, as we well know, in the vast majority of facilities, exemptions were nearly impossible to obtain. Numerous lawsuits are ongoing to address the horrific negative consequences of the mass firings that resulted.
However, the behavior of the many corporate health systems around the country effectively “weeded out” all unvaccinated employees.
Although a number of centers apparently now welcome back their former unvaccinated employees, it appears that not many as hoped wanted to return to a former employer that treated them that way. Thus, I maintain that the vast majority of those currently working in the system are vaccinated, and heavily vaccinated at that.
So, if they are so heavily vaccinated, what is the probability that they are suffering cognitive issues? Well, from my recent (surprisingly popular) post about the goings on at Ohio State Medical Center, apparently numerous docs were retiring or going out on disability due to “neurological issues.”
The “anecdotes” I cited in that post are further supported by two recent papers out of South Korea which found shocking negative impacts on cognitive abilities in those who underwent mRNA vaccination. A Midwestern Doctor did an excellent job in not only analyzing that paper but also putting the Korean studies into the context of what we already know about the cognitive impacts of the mRNA platform. I am going to bullet some of the numerous data points AMD cited, beginning with the South Korea studies which analyzed a large database of the inhabitants of Seoul where vaccination status was accurately recorded. It’s not good:
One of their papers published in Nature (one of the top medical journals) found a 68% increase in depression, a 44% increase in anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders, a 93.4% increase in sleep disorders, a 77% decrease in schizophrenia, and a 32.8% decrease in bipolar disorder.
Another of their analyses was published by the senior author, again in a mainstream journal. It analyzed individuals over 65 and found COVID vaccination increased the risk of mild cognitive impairment 138% and the risk of Alzheimer’s by 23%, and a smaller increase in vascular dementia and Parkinson’s disease the authors did not deem to be significant.
A MidWestern Doctor
Hi Christine, I hope you're well. Regarding this latest article and I quote: " a 77% decrease in schizophrenia, and a 32.8% decrease in bipolar disorder."-were these descriptions typo-errors? I would have expected to see an INCREASE in both schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder.
Sadly they are watching us too. I had to print out a copy of a diagnosis for my 5 year old niece and the ONLY RED LETTERS were next to CoVid JaB- NOT DONE.
She is 5 years old. I looked at my chart online through the patient portal and holy shit it said the same thing. RED LETTERS--NOT DONE. We don't even go to the same health care providers. Or even doctors in the same state!!!!!!!! It's almost as if it's a software for monitoring jabbed/unjabbed.
I might need to take a day or two off from informing myself..............