We are in the age of the numbdown/dumbdown and now with A.I we will be sinking below average. Digital brought us to the average and now A.I speeds up our race to the bottom

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And the only other option is Trump ? Up until this post, I hought you had your finger on the pulse.

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No - I never said that. I say RFK. True, his run in for the Presidency has been blocked by CNN who he intends to deconstruct, as I understand it, but there is still plenty of time for RFK to steal the show and win, once he gets some online time in and begins selling his point of view, amongst them, vaccines and holding those for them accountable - because the vaccines "Idiots - including Bill Gates" have their vaccine policies firmly between their teeth and they want us all to submit to their vaccines rule, by force if necessary, against our will - and this madness has to be stopped and those behind this held to account and RFK will do that.

With the Gain Of Function Bird flu we can't catch they have their vaccines ready to go right now - see my updated free salt water cure for the GOF Bird Flu it apparently now is (Meryl Nass).

Trump is a white bigot and Trump will always be looking after Trump and fuck you, if he makes President again.

Incidentally I am a white and I always have been, but I am not racist, or a bigot.

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