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1. Nobody is "manufacturing proteins". No "spike protein" has been isolated from the blood, only antibodies assumed to be specific to the sp which is all they test for, using a fraudulent testing method and confirmed by fraudulent Western blot technique. The same antibodies would no doubt be produced after injection with any number of the other toxins contained inside or outside the LNPs as well as the colloidal suspension that transports them. Many scientists have told us this, the most convincing being Dr Stefano Scoglio in his interview with scientific journalist Torsten Engelbrecht close on 2 years ago now. Why use such a convoluted testing method when they could simply isolate it from a blood sample? Answer: because they wouldn't find it and they know it.

2. The fake "mRNA" enclosed in the LNPs has not been proven to enter the cells in vivo. Small quantities have been found excreted from the body unmetabolized, meaning it is present at the extra-cellular level only. In 2022, Prof/Dr Gabriel Segala described in detail the journey of the LNPs through the body in his publication "Pandora's Vaccine", later translated from Italian and presented in video of same name on Vimeo in 2023. See in particular his explanation of volatility of colloidal suspensions and variability of effects on injected. He also discusses declared excipients in detail and the relevance of the PBS buffer, replaced by TRIS in October 2021. See also his more detailed slide presentation on ICIC channel.

3. If you want to know exactly how the injections work, how they are manufactured and precisely what they contain, listen to lecture by Prof Ian Akyildiz, electronics engineer and IEEE top dog. He says the "mRNA" in covid injections is nothing more than programmed bio/nanoscale machines which are injected into the body for purposes of constant health monitoring, He also said the exercise is going very well. See his lecture at ARRC conference around April of last year. It's even on YT.

4. The above claims are not mine but those made by highly qualified drs/profs whom I consider credible, posted fyi, not to challenge you in any way. I hope you find the info useful.

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Unfortunately, "we" don't actually know what is going on overall and while I find the above article interesting, what surprises me most is that if programmed bio/nanoscale machines which are injected into the body for purposes of constant health monitoring, then why has nobody published that as common must know information. There have been many recorded deaths after vaccines and mis folded proteins which cause the white blood clots that many have also died from, a bit like Mad Cows Disease, so I gather, so that does not seem to reflect the argument that you present.

I guess it all comes down to what we each choose to beleive and to go with what our gut instincts tell us is the right thing to do, for us - but speaking for myself I have not been ill these past 31 years using my free salt water cure on myself and it seemed appropriate to share it on, if I could.

I am not a chemist, or involved in any way with the medical profession, I keep myself well, pretty much on my own, my theory being that there are only 2 ways, external to the body, we can get an infection and that is by breathing it in, or having it injected in and since vaccines are the main injection procedure, I link that also to a variety of other illnesses and diseases which occur, for which there is no other practical purpose or delivery possible, where before, these diseases did not occur, by nature.

I make no bones about it, I go after the anti vaccines posts which are consistent with my overall point of view, whether that is right or wrong and we all have to make a decision on what we choose to believe and go with it, especially as those who provide these injections are not sharing with us their content, or the final solution they hope to achieve after vaccines and I didn't write the US Law 2013 defining natural and by nature mRNA as being different to that created in a laboratory, which is not natural to nature, but new and thus patented, as being a safe alternative, especially when that Law and its viewpoint are radically different to what is being pushed as natural and safe, when it is neither - the Covid vaccines.

So I am declared anti vaccines and given the above post by KerryLyn if you want to go her way or mine, it is entirely up to you.

Good Luck, Keep Safe, Be Well, whatever you decide.

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Exactly. No-one knows entirely what's going on. I'm not sure what article you're referring to. As explained in point 4, points 1-3 were mine, based on a great deal of research, including but not limited to,credible claims made by Stefano Scoglio, Gabriel Segalla, Ian F. Akildiz who must have authored/co-authored thousands. Maybe check out his wiki page. Segalla & Scoglio likewise, mostly in Italian. I did, however, refer you to several video interviews, conferences, lectures as well as Segalla's excellent and very concise presentation of his latest publication, Pandora's Vaccine. Blood clots can be formed in many ways. Segalla focuses on several. Another blood clot expert is Clifford Carnicom. You should check out his substack. He's done a 6 part series on the subject. I don't "choose to believe" anything and I don't use my gut instinct to evaluate the substance of a researcher's work.

Like you, I'm seldom sick. The last time I recall being very ill was during my first pregnancy, 43 years ago. Apart from childhood vaccines, 1 tetanus shot aged 45, 1 flu shot at 58. No masking or swabs either. I've been a staunch anti-vaxxer since the birth of my first grandchild in 2005 when I took the time to seriously research the subject. I also have serious doubts as to whether viruses exist at all and tend to doubt contagion as well. Your free salt water looks interesting. That said, as a child born in Tasmania in the mid '50s when there were very few swimming pools, we learnt to swim at the beach and I continue to swim there as I live exactly 3 minutes from the coast. I also did a few years of club swimming in early teens. Do you think chlorine does the trick too? I'm not a chemist either but studied physics & chemistry to matriculation level and as an undergraduate did a couple of units as part of Arts degree. But I've worked most of my life in Science & Technology.

So Christine, thanks for taking the time to respond. If you or anyone reading this would like me to dig out the links I referred to, please let me know.

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Hi Kerrylyn. It seems appropriate that I respond to everyone who contacts me via my substack, they take the time to write me, the least I can do is reply to them in return. I collect information on ships and warships 1800 - 1900 roughly, the change over from sail to steam which was my primary research topic many years ago from technical journals and other out of date books and I was able to get permission to visit a University Storage Facility where out of date books, of no further practical use to that University, were stored and whilst there, I had a look in the medical section too and came across my free salt water cure in one of the medical books I saw there, this was about 31 years ago - and at the time I thought, well, what a good idea and I have been using it ever since. At the time of the books publication, the Swedish Army used it - they had a barrel of salt water with a tube out of the bottom and soldiers flushed their heads when they thought they had caught a cold, so the Swedish army never had colds and I've since discovered that it is the 2 day cure in Turkey and the Indian's in India have been using it for centuries and the guys who put themselves into trances use it before they do, so I'm guessing it was a popular alternative before pharma products came along - so I'm sticking with the old ways work best argument for me and why I've passed it on - there is simply no point saying don't have vaccines and then not being able to give people an alternative instead, which is what I try to do. I use table salt, my one has clorine in it, but I'd guess that any salt would do the trick, as long as you get a burning sensation when you have caught a cold, so you know you have and you are killing it, payback is a bitch, sort of thing, to the virus or bacteria you have caught, is my argument. Make it sicker than you and kill it dead before it gets to become Covid or something much worse in the nasal passages of your head, transported down into the body in the one liter of snot or mucus we each produce daily, the engine oil of the body.

I don't know if chlorine is the killer or something else in the salt, but as sea water has salt in it and I used to care for a friend who was a swimming nut, she swore by the sea water keeping her well and that sort of reflected on my free salt water cure and how that works too - she saved my life several times when I was caught in rips and unable to save myself - I'm not much of a swimmer - Breast Stroke - and I'm not keen in swimming in the sea, but she had Retinitis Pigmentosa, was technically blind and I felt duty bound to accompany her in the local seas, to try and keep her safe, but in hindsight, I think she did a better job of keeping me safe instead!!

The problem with the expeerts who create whatever is in these vaccines don't say what is in them or what their intention is, once the vaccines are injected - these Covid vaccines were always "Experimental Test Vaccines" the vaccine makers had "Blanket Immunity from Prosecution" and you had to volunteer to have them, which put the onus on you if you died from them, by result, so I'm not the trusting type and I don't put my head in a gas oven just because someone suggests I should, before they light it - so the experts failed with that one, on me - but if you trust vaccines, why did you not have them, after all, your government passed disinformation laws from early 2020 to mid 2023 to force you to have these vaccines, so what stopped you, your opinion can't have been it - Re: I don't "choose to believe" anything and I don't use my gut instinct to evaluate the substance of a researcher's work.

So you are a bloody Aussie then? Heard it snows in Tasmania. First Fleet went there, first? Use a Pick in winter and it bounces back and potentially hits you in the head, the ground being that frozen?

The problem with these vaccines, this time around, is that they just don't work. I read an article by the Lancet back in 2020 when they published that all of the vaccines were totally useless agaisnt Covid with Pfizer being the worst or weakest one at 0.84% - less than 1% effective against Covid with Covid being 99.16% effective in catching you, which suggested to me that the Covid vaccines were intended to do something else, but what and where? To begin with, I thought I'd have one, I then thought I'd wait and see how they evolved and I'm pleased I did because I never had any and won't.

BionTech who created the vaccine for Pfizer and which they license to Pfizer published recently that their vaccine are Gene Therapy and were never intended to stay in the arm but to target the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes after having passed through all of the body's organs in 12 hours from vaccination = spike proteins - and I got the carbon particles in the blood from a Dr Noack's post, shortly before he was killed for presumably publishing about the nanoscale razors which the carbon particles actually are, or can be - so, by the same token, we know there are carbon nanobots in the blood of the vaccinated and Robert O Young who has an Electron Microscope and his own webpage, has reported extensively on the changes to the blood he has observed with pictures, diagrams and everything else anyone could wish for and of course nanobots which he has photos of too.

I always thought that our bodies were ours to do with as we please, so it would upset me if I discovered that someone else had put nanobots or programmed bio/nanoscale machines in my blood, for reasons unknown, but that ties in with the new MAC address everyone vaccinated now has - the nanobots are not saving any who get turbo cancers or other delightful ways of dying horribly, so what function could they have, if they don't cure, but potentially kill by 5G, which would explain the new MAC addresses presumably?

I posted your reply on to a Doctor MD who has differences of opinion with me, to see what she thinks of what you posted and I'll post her reply to me on here to you, if she does not blow a fuse first.

I find it is fun to pass the time and chew the fat, in a manner of speaking and it passes the time too - much laughter, no ill will intended.


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On the matter of my gut reaction - saw this in the Hachard Report, seems to answer what I am unable: An article published in April 2024 entitled “Can your gut microbiome influence intelligence?” answers this question in the affirmative. Gut bacteria influence fluid intelligence. Although researchers are still working to understand the precise links between gut bacteria and health, one thing is now clear: We need a thriving gut microbiome to ensure good physical and mental health.

The article identifies 15 “good” bacteria associated with positive health markers and 15 “bad” bacteria associated with poor health markers. It reports that scientists are continuing to study the gut microbiome and uncover connections between our resident bacteria and a range of health conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

The so-called gut-brain axis connects your gut and brain, allowing a two-way conversation. Part of this connection is formed by the vagus nerve, which runs between the brain and gut. It plays a role in several important functions, including digestion, mood, and the immune response.

In fact our gut is ‘conversation central’ when it comes to DNA. Surprisingly to researchers, successive studies and reviews have concluded that both the animal and human gut are hotspots for horizontal gene transfer, as discussed in this paper “Gene transfer events and their occurrence in selected environments".

Step back and the big picture is fascinating, the gut is a microcosm of the global biological ecosystem of microbes and our brain relies on its connection with this microcosm to maintain its intelligence and health.

From the above you can see that scientists resort to human analogies when it comes to the mobility of DNA and the transfer of genetic information. Some of the words used to describe our connection with our gut bacteria for example are telling: “happy gut”, “talk” and “two-way conversation” are frequently used. This is entirely appropriate, we are exchanging information with our food, talking with our food. The quality and type of our food affects our health and our intelligence.

The implication is clear, our consciousness is affected by genetic information in our food. This is transferred via the gut where the right balance of bacteria is essential. This can be maintained by a diet based on the genetic intelligence contained in fresh natural food.

The gut is the machine which transfers food with foreign DNA into material compatible with our own individual unique genetic profile. Digestive processes filter and transform food through complex pathways and multiple steps over an extended time so that the end product can match and support our physiological health and stability, and it now also seems our mind. I discuss this concept more fully in my book Your DNA Diet.

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Yes I was born in Tasmania but spent over half my life - and most of my adulthood - outside of Oz. Returned to Tasmania definitively in 2017. I will answer your message soon. You could almost write a separate article from this exchange! On nanotech/5G+ check out Josef Jornet or Akyildiz on YT re IoB, IoBNT in-body surveillance etc. or Aman Jabbi also on YT for IoE/re surveillance outside the body, as in smart cities. Start with Jabbi. Or send on directly to the dr. A bientot!

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Hi Kerrylyn. Thanks for your reply. I was not trying to justify my point of view, just give feedback from my side of things as opposed to the comment you made - I don't know, I was in a happy frame of mind and felt like a bit of justification was necessary perhaps. I won't write an article from it, why don't you do that instead? It seems to me that our bodies don't know what anti bodies are, or how to make them, so the vaccines inject diseases which the body might, or might not, be able to manage with its natural immunity and ultimately the illnesses which everyone gets originated from the vaccines they were injected with, because there is no valid explanation of how they materialize out of nowhere, but conveniently when each new vaccine drive begins.

It seems that is what some, so called experts, are now starting to think as well, like duh - and you would trust your life to them, as you suggest, re my gut feelings?

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