'Atta gal'

-Working Girl, 1988

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Vinnie - Still wet behind the ears - me 40 years older than you

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RemovedJul 8
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It sickens me that people take advantage of what these viruses and vaccines intentionally do and then others jump on the bandwaggon and profit from them - we should be working together, for free, to save each other from what The Elite intend for us, not profit from it from a financial point of view.

I'm not intentionally beating my drum, but all I get is a seniors pension which just pays my bills and that is sufficent for me, I don't want or need contributions from anyone, because if I did, to my way of thinking, I am capitalizing on the intentional murder which in practice, gives me the cold shudders.

If there is a God and an afterlife and they potentially arrive in Heaven, how do they explain how they profitted from the global pandemic, just the same as those behind this, The Elite did?

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RemovedJul 9
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We might after we die, if we are not vaccinated, because we go back to Heaven - but the vaccinated now have ModRNA DNA synthetic, Laboratory created and patented DNA, because ModRNA DNA never existed in nature before, so their key won't probably be for Heaven, but somewhere else, so they probably won't have to answer for anything, wherever their Spirits end up - the good news is that they won't be alone, there will be about 8 billion other Spirits just like theirs, there too, wherever that happens to be and they can't ever come back to this planet or our Heaven, is my guess on it.

Hope I'm wrong, but?

Ask Trump and Biden or your politicians for answers, after all, they got you vaccinated, so they deserve to know and so do you.

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RemovedJul 10
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Yes I read that and I'm still not convinced that the not vaccinated can get it - but it might depend on where you live, like New Zealand for example and this is a military weapon, so they could be trying military variations of it, to see how effective it is in shedding, into targetted populations - but I don't see me being shedded into, even though we have Carers who visit several times each week, there is no physical contact.

I think that chemtrails, food, water in America might shed some light into that - but we don't get chemtrails here, so I don't know - Kyle is something of an expert on chemtrails in America, perhaps he knows or has a better understanding of that?

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RemovedJul 11
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