Not Bullshit or Cowdung because these are natural products that can fertilize gardens and make things grow. And human feces has been used to restore the gut microbiome. mRNA gene therapies, however, have been created in labs and are full of dangerous chemicals that will shorten our lives. As far as I know, nobody dies from bullshit. Although governments claim cow farts cause climate change and we must eliminate dairy farms. Farmers in Europe are rightfully protesting this policy. (Like today's medical journals, I'm not publishing counter evidence such as people dying from infections caused by fecal contamination.)

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Read this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3N-uFfvU5s

Anita Bozworth is an MD who specializes in treating diseases with diet/supplements--namely the Ketogenic diet. She believed until recently that mRNA vaccines saved us from death and hospitalization and the risk is worth the benefit--especially for elderly people.

Now she wouldn't wish them on her worst enemy. This Youtube post is a critique of vaccine policy based on the corruption/fraud/grifting associated with the mRNA trials. Her post is based on a paper recently published in a vaccine journal. The paper is about 40 pages long--criticizing nearly every aspect of vaccine claims ";proving" that the "vaccines" are neither safe nor effective.


Peter McCullough, one of the authors, is going to sue Springer, the publisher, because one of their editors (a PhD in philosophy but not a medical doctor) decided he didn't agree with its conclusions. NOPE. Vaccines are safe and effective. Can't let any dissent be published. I think McCullough might also be suing Elsevier which also withdrew a published paper of his reporting high adverse events associated with myocarditis and other heart diseases.

Recently the FDA, CDC, WHO, Social Media, mainstsream media have been almost entirely captured by the medical/industrial complex. Drugs Are Us.

One of the glaring "lies" exposed by the CUREUS paper is that virtually ALL of the 40,000 trial participants were under 50--the healthiest people who had the lowest risk of death and hospitalization. IN FACT, only one person died (vaccinated person!) during this trial and NO ONE was hospitalized. And no elderly people were tested. Therefore, Pfizer and Moderna, and Astra Zenica are asserting what they are hoping to prove.

Ask the average person--what do you think is the death rate from Covid? You will probably get estimates of 5% or 10%. Maybe even higher. This might, in fact, be true in hospitals or nursing homes where people were killed with inappropriate therapies like ventilators, Remdesivir, Midazolem, Morphene and forbidden to access appropriate therapies. And hospitals were incentivized to create and report Covid deaths by getting reimbursed thousands of dollars for doing so. However, the average Covid death rate hovers around 1%. Even lower for children.

So we are killing ourselves with mandated ineffective vaccines that do not stop transmission or hospitalization or death. We should expect apologies from our government. Thankfully, government authorities are, indeed, waking up and beginning to apologize to an increasingly irate public that realizes how badly we were betrayed.

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Thanks for your overview. I dear that our government is in it with the fuckers behind these vaccines. I just posted my overall view of that - Have you connected the dots yet, so I won't repeat it here again, in reply to you. The Lancet, back in 2021 published that Moderna's vaccine, which they created from their Covid-19 Neucloids virus, patented 2013, which they had to have to create their vaccine, the same patent that BionTech used to make the vaccines they licensed to Pfizer who made them and arranged for them to be injected into the Arms of the willing, ahead of Moderna, by paying the CDC US$3.5 million. to be first vaccine released - sorry, I digress, Moderna 1.2% effective against Covid and Pfizer 0.84% effective against Covid (less than 1%) - as my new article, just posted it shows, the Covid Pandemic was a fraud from the get go and its only purpose was to inject everyone with billions of Carbon particles as a 5G or 6G control mechanism and to exterminate life by computerized remote control, to order. Fire bomb the Cell towers with a Molotov Cocktail and that's that, I'd guess. I know Musk will have 27,000 satellites in space, beaming 5G and 6G down to Earth, but I think the beams still have to be routed through the Cell Towers to reach and cover all of us

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dear is fear

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