Do the COVID-19 Vaccines Protect Against Severe Disease and Death? (by Rob Rennebohm, MD)
Geert Vanden Bossche
Feb 24
The promoters of the COVID-19 vaccines repeatedly state that “the COVID-19 vaccines protect against severe disease and death” and, thereby, “have saved millions of lives”—-“so get vaccinated,” particularly if you are vulnerable. Many people, including physicians, have viewed this statement as a compelling argument for past and ongoing (booster) COVID-19 vaccination. However, as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has more scientifically and accurately explained in his deep analysis of the complex interplay between the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the immune system, and the COVID-19 vaccines1 (a brilliant and critically important analysis, in my opinion), it is not the COVID-19 vaccines that have provided this protection, it is three main immune system adjustments to the vaccine’s failures that have provided this protection—-namely, the immune system’s production of PNNAbs (Polyreactive Non-Neutralizing Antibodies) and SIR-created antibodies (antibodies created via the Steric Immune Refocusing phenomenon) and the immune system’s heroic activation of CTLs (Cytolytic T Lymphocytes).1-9 The public and physicians need and deserve to know that, according to Dr. Vanden Bossche’s analysis, when the immune system recognized that the vaccinal NAbs (Neutralizing Antibodies directly induced by the vaccine) were failing (due to predictable natural selection and dominant propagation of variants with mutations that rendered them resistant to vaccinal NAbs) and recognized that the vaccines had sidelined the CBIIS (Cell-Based Innate Immune System) of vaccines, the immune system came to the rescue of vaccines with the three above-mentioned immune adjustments, and it was these adjustments, not the vaccine, that has protected vaccines against severe disease and death. Some might argue that the above is “just semantics.” But I strongly disagree. This is an important distinction, scientifically and socially. According to Dr. Vanden Bossche’s careful and insightful analysis, the immune system, not the vaccines, deserves the credit for protecting vaccines against severe disease and death. Failure to recognize this distinction gives the false impression that the mass vaccination campaign, on balance, has been helpful and has saved lives, when the opposite has been true.1-12 The mass vaccination campaign has put lives at great risk, which is why the immune system has needed to make the three adjustments in order to protect vaccinees from the harm done by the misguided mass vaccination campaign.1, 2, 5, 7, 9 Unfortunately, the mass vaccination campaign has prolonged the pandemic and made it far more dangerous.1-9 This campaign is responsible for the vast array of new, increasingly infectious “immune escape” variants, including a highly likely upcoming variant that will be extremely virulent when contracted by highly vaccinated individuals.1-9 Cumulatively, more...
Usual codswallop - do this instead: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Cup a hand and sniff or snort the mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore you have a virus, so wait 2-3 minutes until soreness goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, then continue 3 times daily, or more often, but Morning, Noon, Night, until soreness goes away and it feels like you are flushing with water - me many years never ill, just by doing this, including with Covid - probably good for Long covid too, as it flushes the nasal passages of the head, behind the eyes, ears, brain bulb, brain stem - unlike a vaccine shot in your arm, of all places - you don't get a viral infection in your arm do you?
Vaccines are like man's early attempts to fly, which only occurred in the early 1900's. Vaccines don't work and never have, but this time, those behind the vaccines push have the hospitals and medical fraternity and the US DOD and DARPA on board with them and what does not work, well, they are trying to find ways to make vaccines work and they are using you who volunteer, as the test bed for their experiments - perhaps, one day, vaccines will work as was intended, but did you really need to potentially give up your lives for experiments, which when they go wrong, you carry the can for?
Needless to say Biden has invested US$2.1 Billion in a vaccine program which will make the US a leader in vaccines technology, closely followed by England it seems, but do my above simple cure for all viruses, because vaccines don't work and never did and my simple cure does 100% every time - because virologists think only of the body and I think only of the head, which is where all viruses start from.
The problem with vaccines is that they are supposed to cure an infection in the body, after you let it remain untreated in the nasal passages of your head and by then of course, your body could be in dire straits and a vaccine won't help at all, because injecting poison does not maker a well body stronger, or a sick body better, it just weakens the overall body, eventually causing death, because the body does not know how to make anti bodies and with vaccines, you just remove its natural defenses instead, like duh!!
Vaccines don't work and never have and there won't ever be a vaccine you can trust, after the Covid-19 Military Experiment and what that eventually entails.
My simple salt water cure solves all and it's free - horror - fancy giving something which works 100%, away free!!
How can I put the above succinctly - you can't make a Silk Purse out of a Sow's Ear - my free salt water cure vs Vaccines.
Not Bullshit or Cowdung because these are natural products that can fertilize gardens and make things grow. And human feces has been used to restore the gut microbiome. mRNA gene therapies, however, have been created in labs and are full of dangerous chemicals that will shorten our lives. As far as I know, nobody dies from bullshit. Although governments claim cow farts cause climate change and we must eliminate dairy farms. Farmers in Europe are rightfully protesting this policy. (Like today's medical journals, I'm not publishing counter evidence such as people dying from infections caused by fecal contamination.)
Read this
Anita Bozworth is an MD who specializes in treating diseases with diet/supplements--namely the Ketogenic diet. She believed until recently that mRNA vaccines saved us from death and hospitalization and the risk is worth the benefit--especially for elderly people.
Now she wouldn't wish them on her worst enemy. This Youtube post is a critique of vaccine policy based on the corruption/fraud/grifting associated with the mRNA trials. Her post is based on a paper recently published in a vaccine journal. The paper is about 40 pages long--criticizing nearly every aspect of vaccine claims ";proving" that the "vaccines" are neither safe nor effective.
Peter McCullough, one of the authors, is going to sue Springer, the publisher, because one of their editors (a PhD in philosophy but not a medical doctor) decided he didn't agree with its conclusions. NOPE. Vaccines are safe and effective. Can't let any dissent be published. I think McCullough might also be suing Elsevier which also withdrew a published paper of his reporting high adverse events associated with myocarditis and other heart diseases.
Recently the FDA, CDC, WHO, Social Media, mainstsream media have been almost entirely captured by the medical/industrial complex. Drugs Are Us.
One of the glaring "lies" exposed by the CUREUS paper is that virtually ALL of the 40,000 trial participants were under 50--the healthiest people who had the lowest risk of death and hospitalization. IN FACT, only one person died (vaccinated person!) during this trial and NO ONE was hospitalized. And no elderly people were tested. Therefore, Pfizer and Moderna, and Astra Zenica are asserting what they are hoping to prove.
Ask the average person--what do you think is the death rate from Covid? You will probably get estimates of 5% or 10%. Maybe even higher. This might, in fact, be true in hospitals or nursing homes where people were killed with inappropriate therapies like ventilators, Remdesivir, Midazolem, Morphene and forbidden to access appropriate therapies. And hospitals were incentivized to create and report Covid deaths by getting reimbursed thousands of dollars for doing so. However, the average Covid death rate hovers around 1%. Even lower for children.
So we are killing ourselves with mandated ineffective vaccines that do not stop transmission or hospitalization or death. We should expect apologies from our government. Thankfully, government authorities are, indeed, waking up and beginning to apologize to an increasingly irate public that realizes how badly we were betrayed.