I had a 20 year old cousin. Extremely healthy, beautiful, smart, athletic and level headed. She was accepted to NYU straight from high school. (not a NY residency either) That's not easy to accomplish.. She was mandated to get the jab to attend this university. Took the jab that July, came home for winter break and died on January 11th 2022. She was in the shower. Never came out. Her parents found her dead on the shower floor with the water still running. There was no evidence of a head wound from falling. We can't talk about it in the family because the parents won't speak of her cause of death. Do I need proof of anything except that jab??? Cuz I haven't heard anything. But yet again if I even question the jab I am asked to not continue that line of conversation. I will be asked to leave. Again I am not seeing an awakening of anyone except the people who were already awake. All this data seems to be confirming it to the same people who knew this jab was dangerous from the very beginning.

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Oh Man..... My deepest condolences Sotogirl. Folks will not acknowledge the data. I am not going after this from logic anymore. Quoting stats and facts. Nothing is being paused means that the shots are doing the job they were really put out for. They were to hurt and maim. The experiment is still going. The people who took the shot and still appear ok will be the next shoe to the drop. Those are the cancer cases in my theory. People will connect the shot.... They will believe I got cancer. Oh I had a heart attack. A 8year old a teenager having a heart attack is now accepted as normal to the many. So the job is well done. The next weapon they officially drop will be the real one. They had to nerve to announce emergency use of these new shots for the fall and winter. I fell out laughing. Emergency........ You are creating the emergency. People have no brain matter ;left they will line up again.

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All the data seems to bounce off these chrome plated morally bankrupt misleaders.

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