The people still refuse to accept that there government attacked them1 Until folks can grasp that and get off the zombie land behavior nothing will change. All i can do now is shrug my shoulders. Stats and facts do not matter so what can we do.

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Still people do not see the jab is the problem. My cousin thinks another cousin who was just diagnosed with cancer, not common in her age group, is absolutely not from that jab.How absolutely not?? How confident these people are in their own hubris to even utter that nonsense. I keep hearing that people are waking up. Well, WHERE ARE THEY?????? Because I don't see them. Or they are not in my share of friends, family or even acquaintances. Not at all. We can't get dental work, can't grow our own vegetables because chemtrails and rainwater contains all the poisons they spray on us to water the plants. I'm starting to think that euthanasia doesn't sound so bad considering we can't avoid any of this poison short of death.

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