I always ask the myself who put these psychopaths on the earth with humanity??? There has to be a reason they are here. It is so obvious they are not normal humans in any sense of that word. They clearly don't belong here as we can see they disrespect every living creature here in addition to the planet. They will kill anything. No F's to give. Their whole lives revolve around making us sick and killing us. Who/what put them here with us???????????????????????????? Oh and they look like us so we can't even detect them. WTF?????

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It seems to me that they have always been there - take the green river killer, he was a pastor of his church as I seem to recall, he gave himself away with a photo he sent, the programming of which was able to find him. I guess some of these not normal people eventually make it to the top of the food chain from where they deliver their manifesto's without us being aware that is what they are and now the good people are being slaughtered by the bad, because we let them get there and we are powerless to stop them, their devious ways - it all seems to have started, first by Trump and carried on by Biden, so it does not matter which party you vote for, they are both doing what they are told, probably by the banks, which through their money lending practices, call the shots now - without that funding America and other nations would shut down and cease to function/exist.

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