Thanks Christine. Yes, I greatly enjoy reading you--and you write a lot!

The Three Sages are:

Myself, Richard C. Cook, retired US government analyst and whistleblower, and avid traveler and gardener

Fadi Lama, our West Asian correspondent--engineer, consultant, writer, and great guy

Dr. Lewis Coleman, MD, anesthesiologist from California, the most brilliant medical researcher of our day and very funny storyteller

At your service!

All in our 70s and still kickin'.

We are non-partisan observers with respect for law and human goodness.

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Fuck Me!! - well, just metaphorically speaking - I thought I was just a gutter hugger and those who read my posts were down here with me. Flattered, certainly, in awe definitely, I had no reason to suppose anyone at your presumed level of life's achievements, would be reading my posts - I'm late 70's. Got a lot to say, well, why not - Steve Kirsch writes one article a month on this, his self owned substack, which is like a multi layered cake and for that he picks up in the region of US$20 million a year - I charge nowt, so nothing works just fine for me - nobody to leave it to when I pop it - everything I've got, box and dice to Doctors Without Borders - I'm not too happy about some of the places they do their work - with Hamas for example, but then realistically, in war, which is the right side and can we trust our leaders, any more, than they can the politics, of theirs - The Spanish Flu is a point in question and who augumented the vaccines for it H1N1, like the Novavax vaccines 2020/23 same formula, previously - but in 1918/19 apparently Bill Gates' father, for that one.

Are you the Richard C who replies to my posts occasionally - I had him pegged for living in Australia - is that you and if so, why Australia and not Yankee Doodle Dandy?

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I've been a Type 2 Diabetic for the past 20 odd years - still on minimum dosage pills, what is Dr. Lewis Coleman, MD, anesthesiologist from California, the most brilliant medical researcher of our day's take on Diebetes - I saw reference to a mention that modern approaches to Diabetes were all wrong - is there any proven way I can beat this bloody disease without pills, which works, for example - without chopping my body off, in the process?

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My wife also takes the pills for Type 2; it's called "controlled."

Coleman recommends vigorous walking every day, cod liver oil, and CO2 inhalation if you can rig up a breathing outfit. We also take raw ginger juice with water and some anti-inflammatory supplements like resveratrol, turkey tail, ashwaghanda, etc.

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Hi, I am sad to read that your wife is affected by Type 2 Diabetes, like me - I've had it for over 20 years so far, not nice. I have fucked knees from a Records job and high Compactus's storing files used on a daily basis, - it took me a mere 25 years for my knees to "come right", but can't walk very far, because of recurring pain then, RSI in both arms, that job related took 8.5 years to come right, deafness (noises in my ears drives me crazy) from working with Industrial Diesel engined forklifts in a brickyard for some years - over 30 years ago - I have to live in total silence now, to find peace - the problem being I don't believe in modern medicine temporary cures, preferring to let nature cure me instead, psoriasis fingers and under feet - ongoing - from what someone else did to me for money - they later admitted 100% Perjury, but who wants a boring safe life anyway and Sleep Apnea, I use a thermostatically controlled electric heater in my large bedroom, before I go to sleep at night, brilliant, works 100% no waking up, not breathing, anymore - was on antidepressants for over 20 years re Perjury issue, took myself off them 1/4 tablet less each week, until off them altogether 3 or 4 years ago - the rest, from my perspective, mumbo jumbo, but thanks anyway - I like 100% cures wherever possible!!

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Yes, certainly, natural remedies and the body's resilience are the way to go. That's why I so much appreciate working with Dr. Coleman.


My wife also uses a CPAP by the way, but she is hanging in there.

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You bringing it to the people! Luv the comments below.

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Trump is not innocent of the division in America today! He is partially responsible for the hatred toward him. His bellicose speeches are heralding a civil war, which may just take place regardless of who wins in November.

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Right. But this was the first time he was hit.

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Hello Christine!!

Never heard of Armstrong Economics before your post; thought you might like this from Armstrong Economics:

Spot on!


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Please see this on the Trump attempted assassination. I just published it.


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Are you one of the Three Sages? If so, I am amazed thay my feeble efforts have reached your attention and so much positive feedback over the years - in advance, if so

Thanks Richard. Got the article, thanks, will read it later on.

Re: So far, Trump has been hit with a questionable conviction for so-called felonies in New York City, though the cases against him there and elsewhere look increasingly shaky due to recent Supreme Court rulings affirming limited immunity for actions taken while in office.

Me: 3 Judges had a special ruling a few days ago to direct the Judge who will decide Trump's fate on September 18th - that special ruling was for the Judge to predetermine if the Jan 6th Riot was Official or not and if it was not Official, then Trump must be punished, because no one person is above the Law.

Presumably, to be Official, it had to be with the approval of Biden and if Biden did not know about it and nothing had been submitted to The White House regarding it, or its intention, to question the validity of Biden's Presidency and replace Biden with Trump, before Jan 20 2021, then it can't have been Official or approved, after Biden won his Presidency fair and square, so far as the voters of America, were concerned.

It was my argument that the Jan 6th Riot was not Official because all of the perpetrators were identified by CCTV recordings, rounded up and punished with sentences up to 25 years - The Proud Boys Leader, as I recall got 25 years prison - not the punishment consistent with an Official gathering or Riot- my theory being that if the Riot was Official, then they should all be released from their convictions - and since that is not going to happen, then the 6th January was not Official and thus Trump, who had been voted out as the President by then (October/November) and replaced by Biden, thus Trump was no longer President, by the free will of the people and as "almost", just another citizen, Trump must be punished accordingly.

To choose otherwise would make a traversty of the American Amendments, or whatever they call the things which predetermine how the American Rules Of Law are set up.

Let me put that another way. If Trump had not been at the pub on the 6th Jan, to provoke the crowd enough to Riot, then none of the above could or would have occurred and we would not be where we are now re Jan 6th Riot.

Personally, I still think Trump is up shit creek without a paddle and that has nothing to do with his attempted assassination today, because although Trump was still a past President on 6th Jan, his Riot was NOT official: Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. Wikipedia - note "2017-2021" Sneaky bugger isn't he?

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