
'Draft Dodger' Trump In Scathing New Attack Ad 'He's Not Fit'

Ed Mazza

Updated Fri, 7 June 2024 at 7:56 pm AWST·1-min read

A new ad from President Joe Biden’s campaign released in time for Thursday’s D-Day commemoration features three U.S. veterans putting Donald Trump on blast.

“He’s a draft dodger, simple as that,” said Army veteran Ed McCabe.

“I see a man who is only in this for himself,” Matthew McLaughlin, who was a Navy pilot for eight years, said of Trump. “Donald Trump has zero accountability in his life.”

“I think the election is the difference between authoritarianism and democracy,” said Curtis Register, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps.

“He’s not fit to be commander in chief,” said McCabe. “He’s not fit to lead a squad, and he’s definitely not fit to be president of the United States.”

Trump avoided the draft during the Vietnam War with four deferments for college and one for bone spurs in his heels, later telling radio host Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was “my personal Vietnam.”

He has also denigrated veterans, infamously dismissing Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) because he was a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

“I like people who weren’t captured,” he said in 2015.

He also reportedly referred to Americans killed in WWI as “losers” and “suckers,” and didn’t want wounded veterans around him at an event because it “doesn’t look good for me.”

Yahoo News

Berenson published that Biden ducked Call Up to Vietnam 5 times and never went - maybe being critical of your Boss while he is President is not a good idea.

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So you're still trying to sell the fake felonies and nazi propaganda I see. The TDS is ravaging your mind.

The demoncrats are far more nazi than Trump.

And yes. They all belong in jail in Guantanamo together for their traitorious stasi like behavior.

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