Did you mean 'Kill them' [with trying (kindness)] ... Or otherwise inversely ... llik them?

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Well, I'm told that bum fucking is like - hmm. If you put your finger and thumb together and put your index finger of the other hand in the hole, that is what cunt fucking feels like for a man, but if you make a fist of the other hand, after you have whetted it under a tap and run your index finger in and out, that's what anal sex feels like for a man - every inch of his prick is stimulated and it is an unforgettable experience, whilst the other way is just more imagination and what she looks like "underneath".

If I were a married guy, I'd be trying out my Wife's asshole, just to see if I'd been missing out on the best sex ever and if I were not, then a convenient girlfriend instead.

Try rubbing her tits. Get a tit in your hand and clench your fist, so that you squeeze it, try it soft then try a bit harder and see what she likes. She has nerves throughout her body attached to her tits and you can get her to feel like she has sensations down to her toes, each side of her body, her tit you squeeze - works for me, especially if she loves you doing it, so win/win. Next step, play her like a piano - see if she is a screamer or a groaner - all you need is a spare index finger and some lubrication.

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