The interviews reveal a radical consistency in the experiences related by those who were injured and by the families who lost their loved ones and in the descriptions of abuse and neglect perpetrated
Hi Dee Dee, I've pretty much given up now - they have won and we have lost and they have bought our politicians and call the shots now - injecting kids from 9 months old up to seniors like me, who submit, which I won't and never will do. This is the time of the Great Reset, when we Human Rubbish, as King Charles 3 likes to call us, are exterminated, by their vaccines or genetic engineering and there is nothing we can do to stop them.
The politicians put through new Laws by voting for them and then majority rule passes them into Law and the politicians protect themselves from us, while serving their masters and whatever demands their masters make of them, for us, by doing that.
All we have left is to say No and don't comply as much as possible and hope we die off of old age before consent is taken away by force and we are made to comply - then I'll short myself out on my 12 volt car engine spark plug lead, which you might have read about and take my chances that way instead - and fuck them for a bit longer - if I am pushed to it.
Thank you, I'll continue reporting but must admit, I'm heart broken it's taken this long and so many deaths including babies.
Hi Dee Dee, I've pretty much given up now - they have won and we have lost and they have bought our politicians and call the shots now - injecting kids from 9 months old up to seniors like me, who submit, which I won't and never will do. This is the time of the Great Reset, when we Human Rubbish, as King Charles 3 likes to call us, are exterminated, by their vaccines or genetic engineering and there is nothing we can do to stop them.
The politicians put through new Laws by voting for them and then majority rule passes them into Law and the politicians protect themselves from us, while serving their masters and whatever demands their masters make of them, for us, by doing that.
All we have left is to say No and don't comply as much as possible and hope we die off of old age before consent is taken away by force and we are made to comply - then I'll short myself out on my 12 volt car engine spark plug lead, which you might have read about and take my chances that way instead - and fuck them for a bit longer - if I am pushed to it.