This why i said multi vectored. This is a NKW aka non kinetic war. We as people are so behind. The politicians are not discussing this. Only RFK may. That is why I am with him and Trump. This behavior must be neutered and hopefully stopped.

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I really don't think it will stop. Voting isn't real and is most likely spell casting the population. Think about how many people took that jab. We don't know how much they are manipulating their minds but they will also be able to manipulate the body. If too many people start protesting and add all those towers installed and now being installed IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS!!! Well, we know what really happened in Rwanda 30 years ago. If you don't, you should really research how much our gov was involved with that tragedy. Involving microwaves beamed from aircraft. Just think of what horrors they can do now.

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It won't stop but I it may cause a deeper acknowledge that these things are a negative input into the body instead of it being portrayed as a positive. Voting ....... It is the only way to get what is called changed. But I agree voting not a lethal weapon. The people can't give up there 5g phones. That is a convenience and drug that must be confronted. Thanks for the dialogue

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Could it be that it's less about the actual Hertz & more or equally about the value (cycles/second)? Similarly, a 2000 cps light bulb introduces a ultra high frequency, where a 60 Hz (still below the avg range) interacts at 33.33333..., or a 1/3rd value. I developed a flawless unified field that addressed these (3:1) ratios.

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Hi Robert - I am afraid what you are discussing is way above my pay grade and i simply don't understand the logic of what you are saying - I passed on information which seemed interesting to me and to make my substack more topical of other events which might have been missed - you have 110v and we have 240v so at days end, I am sure that might have some impact on your theory?

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I can appreciate the sublty in your reply. Separately though, theoretical physicists are hitting a wall. This wall is also where Newtonian physics begins to break down ... And as a result, becomes reactive to numerical blueprints. These blueprints reside in the "Unobserved" quantum state ... And are what these elite have had so much success from using. Their goals are to bring elements of the unobserved (static) state into the observed (analog) state ... Cyclones for one recent example. Or, evil infiltrating non-evil. They are using dates [911] for voids (non-obsevvance-of), where newer forms of evil may refill and this, become 'real' ... Cloud seeding of Francis to make landfall on 911 at the 9th Ward, New Orleans.

In essence, what we may not be fully apprehenfing is that numbers are these pathways between static & analog.

Sorry for the painful explanation, but this has been weaponized right under our noses.

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Agreed and thanks for the explanation - I'm not American and I don't live there (by choice) but ultimately we are all under the same hammer, it is called The Great Reset, a term, so I understand, developed by King Charles 3 and our overall reduction by whatever means necessary - we Human Rubbish which "they" regard us as and the vaccines are one of their successful ways, so far, to achieve that.

Look, we are both intelligent beings, if you want to bounce your logic off me, go for it - this whole human reduction is a weaponized program which Bill Gates intended to force on us from 2025, to reach final solution numbers by 2030, but Moderna's patented 2013 Covid-19 virus (made with the help of DARPA) came along and Bill saw the advantage of releasing it 5 years ealier than the one "they" had in mind, presumably after his Event 201 in 2019 and the whole thing has been brought forward by 5 years, so that theorectically 2025 is the new final solution achieved date to be expected, now - personally I would have preferred 2025 as the start off date (not that I want any date for culpable homicide), but it is how it is.

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How true ... My two pets (female dogs) both developed large abnormal growths shortly after their mandatory vaccinations. I'm treating them with baking soda & maple syrup. These things just keep growing ... Replicating. Are these manos from another planet?

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Me: we don't understand what 5G is, but the radio signal can interrupt the life of a body and kill it, without the person whose body it is. knows they are vulnerable to the 5G beam, because their body has evolvwed a disease which kills them, like for example a turbo cancer, which some people would be automatically susceptible to - and other won't.

So 3G was transmitted a few months before I became a Type 2 Diabetic and now that 3G has been switched off, with 4G, my Diabetes is self curing itself, in conclusion, if I had submitted to Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaccination, that 5G transmission would have killed me, probably with a turbo cancer.

That is the facts of the matter

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