The oceans cause what they are calling climate change based on carbon. The earth is made up of mostly those oceans. Get rid of the oceans!

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Agreed, but when I was a kid at boarding school in 1959 (12) we were told the world was going to end at a set time and day and we all went out to see the end first hand, sat around on the lawns outside - and I'm still waiting.

Rodney Boarding School, Google it.

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There is NO Climate Emergency, nix, nada, nil, none. There is an huge environmental problem due to excess toxins, chemicals etc., being pumped into the air water and land,. There is destructive industrial agriculture that is destroying soil quality,. There is pulsed energy and microwave radiation seriously adversely affecting ALL biological life on the planet.

But the Carbon 'they' want to remove is YOU. Look at the claims and the supposed evidence for global heating and you just might find the story is far different to the one mainstream media and political puppets are promoting.

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