Hi Christine, I am sure eventually you will have a poster who is more informed than myself...its has to do with the control of economics, in a manner so as to encourage people through decreasing supplies and services to encourage citizens to move into concentrated areas. In accord with the "15 minute" city agenda.

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Hi Vinnie - a lot like Marples Axe, he chopped the railways in England so that only the money making ones remained and the rest were closed. Same thing happened, people had their resources taken away and had to move closer to large cities to ensure ongoing services, as I recall, when I was a kid.

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Ummm isn't the closing of rural hospitals a 'goal' so to speak? A part of the overall WEF/WHO economic plan to encourage those residing in rural areas to transition living arrangements from rural settings to large metropolitan areas? Does anyone recall reading that somewhere in a Substack post? I believe that is a part of the population control program...Wish I was able to cite these topics...

Thanks for everything Christine...

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Hi Vinnie - No idea, I am not an American and I don't live in America - but who, in their right mind, who lives in the country, would want to go and live in a huge city? Here for you, by whatever degree, keep safe and be well - all of you

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