Government's the world around are all complicit in this evil. Nothing will be done to any of them because they're all guilty. How do you bring someone to justice when those who can prosecute are as guilty as those being accused. It would seem there is no end to this and that it will just continue from one stage to the next and no recourse save for Divine intervention to come crashing down upon it all and I'd welcome that at this point .

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So much for being a good neighbor. What a dirty ugly trick and those responsible are still office.

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This is a nightmare. There are no life lessons being learned here. Those things are in children!!!!! What are these entities we are dealing with???? I don't think there is enough conditioning to comprehend how this will play out.

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Government's bought and sold to the global elitists who have propped up their careers and now are calling in their marker.

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Big Pharma pays our politicians at roughly 10 cents, each time a vaccine is injected, after they quit politics. The Polies are in it for their financial advantage and not ours and they can create the Laws to order, by all, having previously agreed to vote it into Law and get it passed. The bottom line is their Great Reset when they murder all of us Human Rubbish once and for all, so they can have our planet, all for themselves and their robots do the rest for them, so they won't need us at all - simple.

I posted, just now, how I think that might happen and how we are being set up for that fall, from 2025 and how I made that conclusion - based on my disappearing Diabetes and how I probably got it in the first place - hope I'm wrong - BUT?

The purpose of my substack was for me to think outside the box and so far as I can see, so far, I've been pretty much on the money, it is how it is and there is not much left to do, if i am right, is there?

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Seemingly, no.

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