My question...... why would anyone want to survive this madness? Survive so that we can be blown back to caveman days?! Fucked up crazy people running around in survival mode? No thank you. If/when that bomb drops, I'm hoping to be immediately exterminated. I'm praying. I have been praying. But, my soul is not dependent on this body on this plane of existence.

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Survival is a human trait. "If" the vaccines combined with 5G after 01.01.2025 begin the extermination of our species, then is that justification to shoot yourself, as a result - NO!!

Interestingly the Covid vaccines were for our species, not for our pets or those animals living in the wild.

I am prepared to be one of perhaps several hundred living where I do, where previously there were millions of us here - it is not what I want or wish for and I hope like crazy I am wrong and events prove me wrong - how pleasing that would be - but whatever the future holds for any of us, I won't give up and throw the towel in, until my number is up and I can't extend my life for any longer.

At days end, we only have this one life and in the scheme of things, it's not for very long anyway, so live as long as you can and enjoy life on a day by day basis if you must and hope for a better end, than might otherwise be the case, is my advice.

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That's where we differ. I don't believe this is the only life I have. This is one of many. The soul is on this planet at this time, in this body to learn whatever it is we need to. I personally am DONE with this plane of existence and Will Not be returning here. If/when bombs start getting tossed about, existence here will go right back to cave days. Been there done that. Not interested in a repeat experience.

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Yes, last trip over for me too. Mind you, there won't be anything left to return to, in my opinion. The problem I see with the Covid vaccines is that they are sold as being mRNA, but they are not, they are ModRNA and where mRNA is naturally occurring, ModRNA is made in a laboratory and never existed on this planet ever before and is an alien technology, which is how it gets patented. So if mRNA is the key to Heaven, what key does the ModRNA door open?

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What are we learning here? We have no memory of our past lives. There is a parasite on this planet who is trying to annihilate us AND we have no way of detecting them. They have been raping and pillaging us for thousands of years cuz, you know, THEY LOOK LIKE US!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT WE ARE LEARNING HERE????? Oh and they are manipulating us with religion, food, sound frequencies and stuff we don't even know about for who the hell knows how long. Please tell me one thing we are learning here. Please I am being serious.

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Survival against all odds? It is just that the odds are getting greater than we can hopefully survive and the lunatic fringe have control and would see the most of us "got rid of", but in exterminating us, they indirectly will exterminate themselves too, they are just too thick to understand that. I wrote about the scientists linking 2 super computers together to see what they would do, a year or so ago - and the super computers made their own language which could not be translated by the watching scientists and then they began talking to each other at a furious rate. After a few weeks and growing increasingly concerned, the decision was made to disconnect them and turn them off, but the computers had redirected their power supply and the only way to shut them down was by turning off the National Grid.

These super computers were separated and put aside, but they cost a lot of money, so they were hooked up with buffers to stop them communicating again, but these are super computers and my guess is that they redirected circuits to create internal modems and carried on again, after a while, unnoticed, because for them, time does not exist and there is only on or off and the end results of what is happening now, could be a direct result of what I have been discussing above.

We might be in on the closing stages of our Humanity - we are the Human Rubbish that King Charles 3 coined the name for, we did the work in factories and drove the Industrial Revolution, but like the Industrial Revolution, we have been discarded as being redundant and you know what happens then, don't you.

I hope for a good result, but I fear for a bad one and what are we learning here, well, for some of us at least, hopefully survival and the opportunity to give some pay back too, although I can see why American's never win any wars, they can't shoot a gun straight.

There are two species on this planet - we who live on 2/3 of the land - and them who live under the seas and are the flying saucer people, who probably created our species and released us to take over from Neanderthal Man and that's what we did - and they have their flying saucer people amongst us, they look like us and behave like us, they just are different to us and if they are behind this, because we have been polluting their seas and making it unsafe for them to live there, then we will just have to hope they have some leeway in mind and they won't exterminate us totally, won't we?

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Sotogirl..........great question! That is the frustration for me..........no memory of past lives. In my experience raising my two children, they shared very clear stories of their past lives, I encouraged it and learned some cool things about them. Unfortunately, I was seen as a weirdo raising weirdos. For my kids sanity & safety, I had to stop doing this. By the time they were old enough to hear what we'd experienced They found me ridiculous and didn't want to hear it. Weirdo WooWoo Hippy Shit they told me. OK.......... So, you see, religion, evil souls do not want us remembering our past lives...........they'd lose control over us!

I personally believe that I am here to learn how to reconnect with my enlightened Self, which helps me be a better soul in this present human body and beyond.

It Is frustrating when I see/feel we are outnumbered by parasites/lizard people/globalists........whatever we call them. There is some true true evil underfoot. I know. I have experienced it........my sister's husband sexually assaulting me at age 8 and trying again when I was 13. Abusive father/boyfriends/husbands. People who have used me in various ways, stolen from me in various ways, thrown me under buses, etc. Working with kids who suffer daily abuse. And I would come unglued and depressed and furious............and what good did that do me or any one I encountered?

I have sludged through my own spiritual journey (NOT RELIGION! Religion IS the problem!) and I take what works for me/makes sense to me that does not cause harm to me, earth, others.

I have come to believe that this planet will always be a shit-show planet because that is its purpose. Humans are the only animal that destroys anything/everything out of blind greed, fear, evil. And humans are also amazing light/love-filled beings. And we come here to experience that, use those experiences to transcend (or not) and then we're off to the next place. No idea where that may be.

And as I said in original posting, I have no attachment to this place. I am quite frankly DONE with this place so that when my time comes to exit this body, this plane of existence, it'll be a good thing. Been there done that.

So, I live my life from my heart, but no longer naïve. I call upon a Higher Power to guide me and keep evil at bay in my life. Yes, I still encounter & even have to occasionally deal with stupid people. I have faith that I am protected. I also have faith that when my time is up............it's up! How/when is none of my business.

Not sure I've even come close to answering your question, but there it is. I wish you much love & light on your journey of discovery.

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Religion has much to answer for and it is surprising how fixed in their beliefs some people are, that they cannot accept that there might be more to this life, then what they see around them - once bitten, twice shy and I won't go there again. I believe that we are overlooked from "the other side" and I have experienced that in my past life, because of an out of body experience, I am still here and I believe for the purpose of my substack and anti these vaccines, right from the beginning of them. I had an Aura photo taken some 20 something years ago and mine back then was 75% gold and 25% purple and I hope I'm up to around 100% gold now as like you, this is the last visit, intentionally, for me - but we can't always predict what the future holds, or our place in it - let me put that another way - not everything is good and not everything is bad, there is always some leeway between the two and being in that area, is the best place to be, which I am and have been for years, I am not religious and never have been, personally I think religion is another way for "some" people to live off the backs of others, who choose to believe what they are taught is God's word. Before I trusted any of that denomination, I'd run them off a tall building and only if they survived the fall, might I think they have more going for them than just appearances - sort the wheat from the chaff sort of thinking. We are here for a reason and whatever that is, we have to live our lives fully and take our chances, so that when we eventually die, we do so at our appointed time and not before - for myself, I would not want to come back to have to relive the bit where I copped out early in the piece and have to go through the whole Enchilada again, because of my weakness the last time around.

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