Funny how BionTech produced the vaccines from Moderna's 2013 Patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG for their Covid-19 Bio Lab virus and BionTech never gets charged - but then Pfizer has blanket immunity........
With all this information now available it appears that the masses do not believe this was done to them. Facts have been downgraded based on peoples political party, social visions, intellectual pursuits and level of algo delusional newsfeed. It doesn't seem to be outrage that folks were blatantly misguided and are being led down a road to a purposeful deteriorating body. Millions across the globe should be in outrage. In the U.S.A folks should be flooding there state attorney general. Yet nothing is taking place.
Agreed. But the Governments of 196 Countries which belong to WHO and fund it, have been working in unison to get everyone vaccinated that they can, from roughly February 2020 when all of the 196 Governments issued Disinformation Laws, at the direction of WHO and in America, Trump, to assure everyone that the vaccines were safe and would protect everyone from Moderna's Covid-19 Neucloids virus which they created in a Bio Lab and patented in 2013 - here is the patent chemical formula for it #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG - which BionTech for Pfizer pirated, according to a European Court last month, proving that Moderna was responsible for the mysterious virus, which appeared out of nowhere and did not exist before 1996.
As you have probably noticed, TV, Radio, Newspapers control the masses and everyone believes whatever they are told from these news sources, but Biden bought the press and news services and paid them all lots of money, to only print or publish what he wanted and that was to push the vaccines policies, along with the new Disinformation Laws which blocked all anti vaccines news and forced the vaccines into the multitude as was intended from the outset. It takes at least 2 years to pass Disinformation Laws through Government unless everyone was in the know and agreed with it, but let's suppose that every person we elected to Politics was paid 10 cents for each head of population that had a vaccine, when they retired Politics - for a very small sum of money, to Pfizer and the other vaccine makers - a huge number of Politicians can be bought and sworn to silence, when the potential take home pay is around $8 million each, to look the other way and say nothing.
Doctors, we are told are paid $250 for the first vaccine injection per head and probably more money per booster after that, with a vaccine which costs $10 per head to produce, so that $250 bonu,s came from some other monetry source, I'm guessing the WHO, but it could easily be part of the extermination process, where super rich companies and individuals, have donated huge sums, with our extermination in mind - Trump apparently was going bankrupt when he built his Trump Towers and his good friend Rothschild gave Trump one Billion Dollars to complete his building - with that sort of money at play and available from just Rothschild, when he was alive (he died recently) think how much money could be generated, from a consortium of companies and individuals, who want everything and remiove us Human Rubbish to get it. Personally, I think the Laws are to control us Human Rubbish, the Elite live above the Laws which don't apply to them, except where one makes a mistake and gets caught like Epstein, he was in too much of a hurry. When the Great Reset is completed, there won't be any Laws, or Police or Prisons or many of the things we accept within our controlling societies, child sex will be normal, as it is with the Muslims and a few will control large blocks of land and sea and they will control how many humans are allowed and for what purpose, as they decide - or at least, that is what they hope to achieve, but there is always a bigger fish in the tank than just them and when does the extermination process extend downwards to the rich, but not rich enough, sort of thing?
In a round about way, anyone not vaccinated is now the Elite, Human with all Human Laws and Rights in place. The vaccinated with ModRNA DNA are no longer Human by US Law 2013 (same year as Mioderna patented their above virus - fancy that) they are Trans Humans, with zero Rights of any kind, like the American Black Slaves prior to the end of the US Civil War 1861-1865 - it just has not been brought into focus or predetermined yet, it would not surprise me to see pretty kids being sold naked on slave blocks within my time line - I am not vaccinated, so it will be interesting to see how accurate my future prediction is. I have been trying to provoke unrest and dissention, but it is a hopeless cause, because everyone is besotted with their TV, iPad, iPhone and just don't want to see beyond the next ? on all.
wow.... I am knocked out by your response!!! I luv your knowledge level! I will look out for prediction! I am not shot up as well. I never took a covid test. I went on sabbatical away from it all. It smelled foul to me when Fauci/CDC in March 2020 never mentioned nutrition or sunlight and getting exercise while folks were locked down and when they went after churches and religious building yet liquor stores were kept open. Anyone with a 5th grade biology knowledge knows that alcohol is the worse thing in a virus environment. Once that happened I checked out. Plus I remember my Nuclear Biological and Chemical training in the Army. I saw that this was a military operation and a psy op of fear and scare. I checked in March 2020 and never checked back in.
Happy Days then - 2 of us not vaccinated - and counting!! I've been all over the vaccines program from the start, at one stage I was considering which one I'd go with. However that changed when I saw an articles from The Lancet which I have on my substack back in early 2020 when The Lancer published that the Pfizer vaccine was 0.84% effectrive against Covid, meaning covid was 99.16% effective at getting you with the rest of the vaccines not much better - from memory I think AstraZeneca was the strongest one at 2.3% and all the rest fell between these two - then I started looking at the vaccines to discover what was really going on here and Thomas Renz (Lawyer) added another piece of the puzzle when he published these mRNA vaccines are not mRNA but ModRNA DNA and patented which fell in with another article I'd seen, which was the US Supreme Court Law of 2013, the same year Moderna patented their Covid-19 virus, which said the ModRNA DNA were no longer Human, but Trans Human with zero Rights of any kind now, because the patented ModRNA DNA changed their Human Genome and DNA within 6 hours from the injection - and in terms of extermination policies, they were ripe for the killing it seems to me and nothing has changed since, that I can see - aided by all Governments and those of The elite who want to exterminate the Human Rubbish us, or no further use to them since automation and computers have taken our jobs away from us and replaced us.
I don't see anything has changed since - once vaccinated, it can't be removed and does whatever it does in your blood and organs which eventually kill, presumably - it is how it is and I can't see any satisfactory ending for the forced to be vaccinated (shudder)
When the fact comes wide that ModRNA were no longer Human, but transhuman with , zero rights of any kind, because the patented ModRNA DNA changed their human Genome and DNA within 6 hours injection then folks minds still probably won't allow them to be outraged. They are still thinking in terms of a virus. I have been seeing this as covert operation from the beginning. The blood is so crucial. Blood banks.....oh man. It is like this infestation is everywhere. This is the true Bio war. Folks still won't get it. Oh well.....
Agreed - I just posted 2 observations and the first one, the second to be read, from the top down, pretty much sums up everything we know so far and what you have mentioned above - it is how it is - shrug!!
With all this information now available it appears that the masses do not believe this was done to them. Facts have been downgraded based on peoples political party, social visions, intellectual pursuits and level of algo delusional newsfeed. It doesn't seem to be outrage that folks were blatantly misguided and are being led down a road to a purposeful deteriorating body. Millions across the globe should be in outrage. In the U.S.A folks should be flooding there state attorney general. Yet nothing is taking place.
Agreed. But the Governments of 196 Countries which belong to WHO and fund it, have been working in unison to get everyone vaccinated that they can, from roughly February 2020 when all of the 196 Governments issued Disinformation Laws, at the direction of WHO and in America, Trump, to assure everyone that the vaccines were safe and would protect everyone from Moderna's Covid-19 Neucloids virus which they created in a Bio Lab and patented in 2013 - here is the patent chemical formula for it #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG - which BionTech for Pfizer pirated, according to a European Court last month, proving that Moderna was responsible for the mysterious virus, which appeared out of nowhere and did not exist before 1996.
As you have probably noticed, TV, Radio, Newspapers control the masses and everyone believes whatever they are told from these news sources, but Biden bought the press and news services and paid them all lots of money, to only print or publish what he wanted and that was to push the vaccines policies, along with the new Disinformation Laws which blocked all anti vaccines news and forced the vaccines into the multitude as was intended from the outset. It takes at least 2 years to pass Disinformation Laws through Government unless everyone was in the know and agreed with it, but let's suppose that every person we elected to Politics was paid 10 cents for each head of population that had a vaccine, when they retired Politics - for a very small sum of money, to Pfizer and the other vaccine makers - a huge number of Politicians can be bought and sworn to silence, when the potential take home pay is around $8 million each, to look the other way and say nothing.
Doctors, we are told are paid $250 for the first vaccine injection per head and probably more money per booster after that, with a vaccine which costs $10 per head to produce, so that $250 bonu,s came from some other monetry source, I'm guessing the WHO, but it could easily be part of the extermination process, where super rich companies and individuals, have donated huge sums, with our extermination in mind - Trump apparently was going bankrupt when he built his Trump Towers and his good friend Rothschild gave Trump one Billion Dollars to complete his building - with that sort of money at play and available from just Rothschild, when he was alive (he died recently) think how much money could be generated, from a consortium of companies and individuals, who want everything and remiove us Human Rubbish to get it. Personally, I think the Laws are to control us Human Rubbish, the Elite live above the Laws which don't apply to them, except where one makes a mistake and gets caught like Epstein, he was in too much of a hurry. When the Great Reset is completed, there won't be any Laws, or Police or Prisons or many of the things we accept within our controlling societies, child sex will be normal, as it is with the Muslims and a few will control large blocks of land and sea and they will control how many humans are allowed and for what purpose, as they decide - or at least, that is what they hope to achieve, but there is always a bigger fish in the tank than just them and when does the extermination process extend downwards to the rich, but not rich enough, sort of thing?
In a round about way, anyone not vaccinated is now the Elite, Human with all Human Laws and Rights in place. The vaccinated with ModRNA DNA are no longer Human by US Law 2013 (same year as Mioderna patented their above virus - fancy that) they are Trans Humans, with zero Rights of any kind, like the American Black Slaves prior to the end of the US Civil War 1861-1865 - it just has not been brought into focus or predetermined yet, it would not surprise me to see pretty kids being sold naked on slave blocks within my time line - I am not vaccinated, so it will be interesting to see how accurate my future prediction is. I have been trying to provoke unrest and dissention, but it is a hopeless cause, because everyone is besotted with their TV, iPad, iPhone and just don't want to see beyond the next ? on all.
wow.... I am knocked out by your response!!! I luv your knowledge level! I will look out for prediction! I am not shot up as well. I never took a covid test. I went on sabbatical away from it all. It smelled foul to me when Fauci/CDC in March 2020 never mentioned nutrition or sunlight and getting exercise while folks were locked down and when they went after churches and religious building yet liquor stores were kept open. Anyone with a 5th grade biology knowledge knows that alcohol is the worse thing in a virus environment. Once that happened I checked out. Plus I remember my Nuclear Biological and Chemical training in the Army. I saw that this was a military operation and a psy op of fear and scare. I checked in March 2020 and never checked back in.
Happy Days then - 2 of us not vaccinated - and counting!! I've been all over the vaccines program from the start, at one stage I was considering which one I'd go with. However that changed when I saw an articles from The Lancet which I have on my substack back in early 2020 when The Lancer published that the Pfizer vaccine was 0.84% effectrive against Covid, meaning covid was 99.16% effective at getting you with the rest of the vaccines not much better - from memory I think AstraZeneca was the strongest one at 2.3% and all the rest fell between these two - then I started looking at the vaccines to discover what was really going on here and Thomas Renz (Lawyer) added another piece of the puzzle when he published these mRNA vaccines are not mRNA but ModRNA DNA and patented which fell in with another article I'd seen, which was the US Supreme Court Law of 2013, the same year Moderna patented their Covid-19 virus, which said the ModRNA DNA were no longer Human, but Trans Human with zero Rights of any kind now, because the patented ModRNA DNA changed their Human Genome and DNA within 6 hours from the injection - and in terms of extermination policies, they were ripe for the killing it seems to me and nothing has changed since, that I can see - aided by all Governments and those of The elite who want to exterminate the Human Rubbish us, or no further use to them since automation and computers have taken our jobs away from us and replaced us.
I don't see anything has changed since - once vaccinated, it can't be removed and does whatever it does in your blood and organs which eventually kill, presumably - it is how it is and I can't see any satisfactory ending for the forced to be vaccinated (shudder)
When the fact comes wide that ModRNA were no longer Human, but transhuman with , zero rights of any kind, because the patented ModRNA DNA changed their human Genome and DNA within 6 hours injection then folks minds still probably won't allow them to be outraged. They are still thinking in terms of a virus. I have been seeing this as covert operation from the beginning. The blood is so crucial. Blood banks.....oh man. It is like this infestation is everywhere. This is the true Bio war. Folks still won't get it. Oh well.....
Agreed - I just posted 2 observations and the first one, the second to be read, from the top down, pretty much sums up everything we know so far and what you have mentioned above - it is how it is - shrug!!