May I politely suggest ' purified' water perhaps?

Cleanliness may often be in the eye of the beholder...

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Sure Vinnie. Everywhere I've lived has always had clean drinking water from the tap - I tend to forget that there are still places with dirty water.

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Thank you, you help many people.

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The big question is … will they try to mandate these shots? Will we still have a choice?

2nd question is … how will they spread it to push start it? Aerial spraying like Chem trails? Put it in the water supplies? Add the virus to foods in groceries or in fast food chains?

Will it be in areas and not others?

How to stop the madness? Find

Anyone who will disable shipments of vaccines?

Or disable the manufacturers like the strikes on Maui?

Go after the source as the best preventative?

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Until proven otherwise, mandates don't work when: Covid mRNA Shots Are NOT Vaccines, Appeals Court Rules

Legal Precedent June 7, 2024 for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment.

June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”

When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”

But here is a problem - future vaccines are now as per ”June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled are "forced medical treatment" and the CDC’s claim that the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?” which makes all "vaccines" illegal, by definition and purpose.

Legal Precedent June 7, 2024 for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment.

A Legal Precedent is a Legal Instrument which is supremely powerful because it is a ruling by a Judge, which changes the "Legal Nature" of an issue by Law and it is the mechanism by which a Judge, anywhere, can issue a Judgement, on any legal proceeding, which predetermines a vaccine, as actually being a "forced medical procedure" and nothing else.

“forced medical treatment” , “safe and effective for what?”



Like going to your Sales Representative for Big Pharma Doctor, to get an ingrown toenail removed - another forced medical treatment perhaps?

When: The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life” (at the 0:43 second mark, but the whole video is…disturbing).

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.

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spread this everywhere

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Yes please, if you would. Please note that it is still the only "free alternative" to vaccines to those who say it can't be much good, becasue it's free, I say go and get your vaccines then - Bird flu is the latest one you need to get, as well as for Covid - keep up to date with your vaccine shots.

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People in the what is called the third world know this. It is the developed country types who had no connection to the third world.

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Yes, in Turkey my free salt water cure is the 2 day cure. In India where the Indian's live and the Elephants live, they have been doing my free cure for centuries. In Sweden, at least 31 years ago, the Swedish Army had a barrel full of salt water with a hose out of the bottom and anyone coming down with a cold or the flu flushed their nasal passages out with it and nobody ever got sick - but then again, neither do I - Steve Kirsch had it tested at Alberta University (probably to sell it as a cure all) and the Alberta University gave it 100% thumbs up effective and now McCulloch is making an Iodine similar one, for sale, same thing, different by Iodine formula, that's all. Shrug

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Anyone who was a believer in the health care system prior to 2020 is likely clueless on such things because the colonial behavior was to disrespect and discount the native ways.

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Yes, well, the young people with their iphones and ipads probably read and see what those in control want them to see and hear and they are the target audience after all. I doubt too many of my vintage would fall for it, but who knows?

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I truly feel people will not fall for this again. Most people I know that have been jabbed have an almost unconscious regret. I can't explain. All of the people that shunned me have not stayed away from me. Almost like I am not the nut they originally thought. They will have to do serious propaganda for anyone to fall for it again. Does anyone else see this?


~I do the salt water with purified water as I don't trust tap water here. Not even for my pets.

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Hi, Thanks for your feedback. Just have to hope, for the vaccinated ,that it was always a medical treatment which was supposed to reap dividends and in fact did neither and the back story which I have posted, though true, also does not mean the vaccines are more deadly than they have so far proved to be and everyone still living after vaccines, will continue to be.

In that scenario, here's hoping that the vaccinated have truly learned that we can't trust politics or the military to look after us, they all seems to be motivated to their financial greed at the expense of us and that does not fill me with the feeling of being needed and thus my trust levels are down below zero, in anything else they try on us, guinea pigs.

My free salt water cure is for nasal infections, however you want to express that - I prefer viruses and it does not matter if they exist or not, there is a mechanism which passes an illness from an infected person to one who is not infected and becomes infected and that is what my free salt water cure is for and for the potential of Long Covid afterwards, when not nasally, previously treated with my free salt water cure..

Those who get the virus injected into them as part of a vaccine, has the virus bypass the natural immunity of the body and for them there is no salt water cure, for them there is the potential of death, through many of the different ways, with nothing much that can be done.

It is important then, for you to understand the differences and why my free salt water cure works for nasal viruses, but not injected illnesses and diseases.

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