Thank you.

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RemovedJul 4
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Well, let's skip the virus issue - you don't get viruses so you can't ever catch anything to make you sick - I'm fine with that, so knowing all of this you never had any vaccines either, so let's agree with that point, because I didn't have any vaccines either, so neither of us are up shit creek without a paddle after vaccines are we: But why the vaccines. But why the vaccines. Why did The WHO mandate the vaccines from 2020 after disinformation laws had been put in place in all of the 196 member WHO countries which donate to WHO, from early 2020 to 2023 and nudging to get the majority of you all vaccinated by telling you their vaccines were safe and effective and what did those vaccines legally make you - do you really want to know the legal back story:

“The Supreme Court (2013) ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bill and Melinda Gates, The Department of Defense, [and others] can literally own a human being. If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome, by law, you could be owned overnight.”

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, affirmed. It ruled, in part:

Living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a “manufacture” or “composition of matter” within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952. The fact that the organism sought to be patented is alive is no bar to patentability.

Patentability of human genes (mRNA and DNA)

Ultimately the Supreme Court ruled that only cDNA (synthetic DNA) is patentable. Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable, But in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally-occurring.

The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life”

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being.

Gene therapy is irreversible.

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RemovedJul 4
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If you volunteered to be vaccinated, that was on you. They were always "Experimental Test Vaccines" and the vaccine makers always had "Blanket Immunity From Prosecution" which put the onus on you, once vaccinated, when /if something went wrong - like you volunteered to be a Crash Test Dummy and what happens to Crash Test Dummies?

Before you got a vaccine you had to give your name and sign a form agreeing to have a vaccine - that was the contract between you and the vaccine maker - your signature.

With the US Supreme Court Law, as I posted it, there is absolutely no confusion about how the patented vaccines were delivered and arrived at and they could not be injected without Consent, whether that was informed or not.

If you don't believe that a vaccine was injected into you and it was salt water, I'm good with that, frankly I don't care - but because of you getting their vaccines, they have identified you as Trans Human now, whatever you want to call yourself and by their Laws, you are no longer Human and you have zero Human Rights now, which means that legally ,they can dispose of you any way they want and there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop that from happening - because you "volunteered" to be whatever they have made you now and that can't be unwound or changed back to how you were before you volunteered - it is how it is.

Somewhere there is a record which identifies you as being vaccinated and that in itself is a slam dunk.

So if the key to Heaven is natural mRNA DNA, then what door does the ModRNA DNA, synthetic, Laboratory made, patented, vaccines, key open - and you can't escape your eventual death and that's when you find out.

Space travel might be possible, you have to be dead first though.

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RemovedJul 4
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I totally agree with what you have said and the people we should hold accountable for the vaccines run out, nudging and disinformation laws put in place from early 2020 to 2023 are WHO, our politicians, Trump, Doc tors who received payment from Pfizer, Moderna and others of $250 per head injected with those vaccines - start at the bottom and work up.

However Covid vaccines are still being pushed by the CDC into the arms of kids from 6 months old up and oldies past 60 - so at days end, there is fuck all any of us can do, because we just don't count or matter in the scheme of things, to those who have ultimate control over the majority of us who accepted their vaccine shots.

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RemovedJul 5
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