One need question the concept of permanent electronic 'deletion'...

Good luck with that!

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I don't have a mobile phone, or a smart phone, if you like. When you answer it, you speak into it and your voice is recorded in it somewhere, so that with you new bio scan picture on your phone for ID the whole enchilada is there for anyone to take or hack, if they want to access your background or bank details, presumably, especially if your phone is stolen or lost - and with that possibility in mind, my post has merit in my opinion.

These days and a telephone directory, it does not take much effort to ring a phone number and talk to the person on the other end of it and record their voice and if there is some way to hack a mobile phone with a bot or Trojan, which calls back to the person who placed it there, then access to that phone, without the owners consent, is a plausible argument in much the same way that a computer can be hacked by someone with the appropriate electronic gear to do that - I've seen it done, but how it was done, was way higher than my pay grade .

There is no such thing as permanent electronic deletion - any hard drive which is deleted can have the contents recovered many times over and I have software to do that and have actually done that, when I've inadvertently deleted digital storage hard drives - which happens occasionally, recovering everything.

I suppose, at days end, it comes down to who has the desire to steal from someone else and get away with it, like in Nigeria, or India or closer to hand, when the only form of survival is based on what can be easily stolen, without any come back - there are factories of people, enslaved in India, who do nothing else.

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Sooo agree and understand...

The most one can do even with the landline is screen the calls...

All may get worse before it gets better...perhaps one market 'fireproof phone storage boxes' sell them on Etsy! 🤣

Had associates who worked in 'high tech'...

These things have been tested an re-tested and many things have been implemented and are in operation...

Long before the 'leaks' or 'press releases' !!!!

Hearing that alone, one is able to observe much of what is happening in the world, through a different lens...

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