Thanks for posting.

Reading WEF double speak is hard work.

Need a WEF thesaurus.

Sustainable = depop

Climate change = humans as the enemy

CO2 emissions = tax on breathing.

Public private partnership = totalitarianism

Green = naive population

Biodiversity = more insects, fewer mammals

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I don't see the problem - the wealthy are the inheritors of our world, Earth and we are the Weeds, Human Garbage, Land Fill, or however they see us, for their disposal, either by the virus which Moderna created, to make the vaccines whose intention is to dispose of us, as much as possible and as quickly as possible, to save the planet for themselves, forgetting, conveniently, that the pollution is how they got rich on the backs of us weeds and Methane gas escapes from the land and the sea, causing pollution, along with volcanoes which nobody has any control over and what is happening with the planet now, is a natural occurrence and has nothing to do with any of us at all - irrespective of how many of us there are, or how few and when they achieve the destruction of most of us, they won't be any better off, if anything, they will be a lot worse off and hopefully their continued existence will depend on dog eat dog and whichever dog wins that particular fight and consumes its opponent, body, head and all.

Much Laughter!!

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As you say.

No problem.


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Funny coincidence, but Igor is doing a good job of translating the WEF double -speak code.

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More insects, no not in the wild, farming insects for food, but in the wild they're getting decimated, thanks to all the wifi and 5g rolling out.

Climate change = Weather and Climate engineering= intentional weather modification

for seven decades and counting. Problem humans didn't and still don't notice, everyone looking down at their smart phones.

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You say:

"In January 2020, six months before the launch of The Great Reset, Charles attended WEF’s annual meeting at Davos for the first time in 30 years."

I'm surprised they didn't kick him out of the club after 30 years of paying his monthly subs but never turning up.

Frankly he is no use to anyone now, as he is well past retirement age, and his only job is to stamp documents, stroke the corgis, and open hospitals.

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Wrong - I did not say - 1) I don't give a blind flying fuck 2) I copied the post from someone else who presumably does care - I just posted it on here - that any help.

Me, I call the Globalist Prick, Sausage Fingers!! I wonder where he has been sticking them for them to swell up like that - Camilla?

Much Laughter!!

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"Frankly he is no use to anyone now, as he is well past retirement age, and his only job is to stamp documents, stroke the corgis, and open hospitals." What about as fertilizer?

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In the UK, effort to fight the Great Reset should include removing Charles from power in proportion to his NATION losing power and this should be well publicized. Actually his WEALTH is a better target (Kings in UK are mostly ceremonial) for removing. All "royals" should be aware that they will revert to being common subjects. You can count on Charles losing enthusiasm for the GR if he is going to become impoverished. That he is working to lower resistance to a nation damaging system should also reduce HIS privileges too. It is only fair, if he thinks globalism is such a great thing.

You KNOW the globalists are telling him he will get MORE money (or not lose his existing wealth) and this fact should be used to undermine Charles confidence in his continued privileged position

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Hi Richard. I always thought the Royal Family should be put against a wall and shot. I am not a royalist and I have never been one. King Charles strikes me as a tight fisted prick and I don't care for his Queen either. Fortunately, I don't live in England anymore, left in 1971 when I was 24, never to return - best thing I did for myself back then. I appreciate your concern, for the politics of the thing, poor people are poor for a reason and inevitably the system keeps them poor - I was poor until I reached 65, on the bones of my ass, that all changed with an inheritance, fortunately for me. The vaccines are deliberately murdering many of the poor, in my opinion, because the Globalists are exterminating them, so that they, the globalists don't have to share their wealth which they earned off the backs of the poor - stupid buggers, it is the poor which keep the wheels of industry turning over.

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Of course Charles is counting on promises from the WEF and CCP for his continued privileged position. That he is sucking up to his nation's conquerors should also be exploited, and the WEF should be further queried of why they want ever greater wealth disparity. We should try to exploit this relationship.

We should exploit the WEF's "you'll own nothing, and be happy" Of course they'll quickly try to impoverish and starve everybody so that the "own nothing" will pale with the possibility of eating. People should realize this. And the people who the WEF is going after, the low income lower class should realize that it can AL WAYS get WORSE. Low educated and low income people ALWAYS think that they'll keep what they have and it will only get better, they should realize it's all talk to take over the world, and after "they" have the power, they have no reason NOT to do everything that "they" want, and NOTHING that the lower income people want.

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It's the UN's Agenda21 green mask Sustainable Development and it's been on the table since Our Common Future. WEFFY's bald psychopath worked for the UN, WEF simply became more visible.

Sweden 1972- Earth Summit - 1992.


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See my latest post in full for the whole story - a tale to tell your kids when they are old enough to understand - here is my ultimate summing up of that article in one paragraph:

Just think - so many tries to successfully exterminate us, at the costs of billions of tax payers dollars and political nudging and it all comes down to, probably, is my simple free salt water cure for all viruses and bacteria, so you can't get Covid ever and my one second 12 volt DC electric shock to kill off their injected nanotechnology, which would make 5G robots of all the vaccinated, that "they" did not kill first by 5G command (Android looking for Bluetooth to discover your vaccine injected nanotechnology number) FAIL Moderna, Pfizer, all other vaccine makers, Politicians, The Elite and all. Much Laughter!!

They are starting to emerge from the woodwork and what better way to help dispose of them, is that unexpected accident they did not see coming - a nudge in the back, an unexpected trip into fast moving traffic - even their guards are up for the chop too, so why protect those who don't have your long term best interests to Heart?

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Being a servicer or protector s/b the most dangerous employment on Earth.

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Our only advantage is that there are exponentially more of us than them. This should be considered and exploited in every plan of resistance.

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Get everyone into the Consensus Party: we only want consensus candidates (else chosen by sortition) and consensus laws rules and regulations. Job1 tax wealth. See alanforcongress for more info.

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