The fact that Satan is behind the depopulation of the world is central to understanding what is happening and who is behind it.

The Freemasons openly worship Satan and they are the ones controlling governments around the world through their members.

2010 Australian X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry


This is very thorough and it would be good for you to understand that Satan is real and is in control of this world. There are many other videos like Alex Jones on these Satanic rituals by these leaders.

This is not my religion or a religious belief, it is a fact that we need to understand about these criminals.

If they don't kill us with the bioweapons then they will use more direct means. Be aware and prepared for what is to come. I wash my nasal passage with saline every night too, but it won't save me from their guns and other secret weapons.

Interview with a Demon - Sudden death, the soul, Pharmakeia how to escape the covid jab


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You can be a Buddhist and an Atheist at the same time as I don't see any conflicts.

Why you keep calling me religious, when I am not, is not from reason. You do it to put me in a box and throw me away with the rest of the fake things in this world.

I can understand your fear of the truth as it is obvious you have never read and studied the bible and measured it against the facts of both history and science.

I am not ramming it down your throat. It doesn't work that way.

I explain why there is evil in the world and what we can do to stop it.

You do not believe in God and as I pointed out, your philosophy is post modernism i.e. you make up your own rules for good and evil. This means that the Satan worshiping Freemasons who have another set of rules for good and evil and are OK with sacrificing trafficked children to their god, drinking their blood and eating their flesh are just living by their own rules too. You have your beliefs, they have theirs, so why would you have a problem with their crimes against humanity? (depopulation through bioweapons)

You can't judge them, if I can't say what God says is good and evil and isn't that what your substack is all about?

"Inconsistency is the sign of a failed argument" Dr. James R. White debater in theology (not religion).

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Look, I am only interested in stopping the vaccines and pushing my free salt water cure as an alternative treatment for all viruses - me never ill for over 30 years.

I don't want to debate religion or lack of it with you - I just want to be able to read your posts and others without Satan, Hell, God or any other religious entity being part and parcel of whatever you are trying to say, that is all.

This is a Jewish substack, run by a Jew, Steve Kirsch and whatever his motivations he does not ram his religious beliefs down anyone's throat, so why not take a leaf from him and not do the same either.

A small request to ask, I am sure.

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So you are essentially a Buddhist.

Now you have to have facts to base your faith on.

I have mine, but I do not see where you get yours.

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I am an Atheist. When I was about 10, I discovered that my mother was a Jew and that she married my father (during WW2), who was a Christian, at Gretna Green when my father turned 13, the Scottish legal age, my mother was 18 at the time and they "eloped".

My mother was banned for life, by her religion from her Jewish family "You were never born, you do not exist in our lives, we will never see you in our home again, you are not welcome".

My mother used to take me, as a young child to see her parents, in the hope they would see her and acknowledge her, they never did, they made me welcome, but they talked to each other like my mother was invisible to them - my mother always left in tears - I was too young to understand what was going on, it is only since I have thought back, that I have discovered what really happened and why I was regarded as a black white person by the Jewish religion and the same with the Christian religion, if I mentioned my Jewish background. I fit in the grey area between religions, welcome by both and shunned by them at the same time.

Because my mother was a Jew, that automatically makes me one too - and since my name is a Catfish, I am male because the owner of this substack does not like me, I am circumcised too.

I have had a lifetime to consider what I choose to believe and what I choose to not - I have been to various religions and seen what they preach, the last one was 7th Day Adventist - I almost married a female one, but backed out 4 weeks before we were due to get married and I have not had sex since, over 22 years ago now - did I do the right thing - I did not want to be her personal servant, so I suppose so, but the sex was awesome, so goodness knows!!

I have followed my own path as have you.

I don't object to your religion, or what you choose to believe in, good for you I say - it is just that on this substack, I don't see that your religion has a place and I don't want your beliefs rammed down my throat at every opportunity, so naturally I respond accordingly.

If you could keep your posts civil and keep God and Satan out of it, then we would get along just fine, after all, you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine - just keep the religious aspect of it out of here - fair enough?

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and the Rothschilds worship Satan.

I think Fauci and friends lied to Trump and used all the force their cabal had to push him into signing.

He originally told us it was just another common cold and HCQ taken early on, as advised by Dr. Zelenko would stop most infections.

Please stop calling me religious. I am a biblical believer in the creator God. I do not follow the religions of man. None of them are fully biblical. Each of them has some truth, but they all take some things out of context. A verse taken out of context is a pretext for a proof text. That is what is warped. The bible is not warped in its original texts, but many religions have translated their versions to suit their own false teachings.

If there is no God then there is no good or evil, so what are you writing about as each person can make up their own moral standards as we have nothing to judge them by?

At least I have a standard by which I can call them out as evil.

You also have problems with the origin of living matter and all other matter for that matter. Matter is not eternal and according to the 2nd Law of thermodynamics everything with heat tends to move towards uniformity (put a hot cup of water in a cold room and after an hour they are the same temperature). This also applies to information where it is lost over time and not increased. DNA is a massive source of information. Where did it come from and why is it breaking down due to radiation and infertility increasing? Evolution is destroyed by these facts. We need to know everything and have answers for these problems before we can know that there is no God. That excludes everyone from knowing that there is no God. So yours is a religious baseless faith, not mine.

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I believe the soul never dies, life in this dimension is like a classroom and the soul is here to learn and grow and evolve to a higher plain of learning and this is evidenced by the Aura of each soul as it progresses to conformity - 100% Gold, which is where mine should be by now, hopefully, means no need to come back ever again.

I believe the soul is categorized by the DNA of a body so that after death, the soul goes to a different dimension, before it is reassigned to another body and life, if it still needs further education.

The problem with the vaccines is that they deliberately change the DNA and the human Genome to something else, so when the body dies the soul is no longer human, by its DNA as is categorized and placed in another alternate dimension, not for human DNA and that place is terrifying, to all accounts, by those about to die, who see where their soul is about to go.

I believe the soul never dies and those behind the vaccines are well aware of that and by exterminating 7.5 billion human souls, or at least redirecting them away from human DNA, they will reduce potentially most human rebirths for generations, if not forever to a minimum, because they also believe that human overpopulation is the cause of planet warming, which is bullshit and entirely untrue.

I enjoy poking you, because of your religious fervor, you are consistent in your beliefs as I am not in mine - so more power to you on that one - it is how it is - much laughter!!

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Almost total agreement, but I see a big difference between Biden's crime family and Trump who is a Freemason. He is doing what his master Satan tells him to do (unless he is a double agent trying to bring them down from within). Freemasons think those who do not believe in God are fools, but they serve Satan as their god (only revealed to 33rd level masons)

God (the eternal I AM) of the bible says of those who love Him, " He preserves their souls and delivers them from the hand of the wicked" (Psalm 97: 10) In many other passages He shows how He deals with the wicked e.g. Psalm 92: 7 "when the wicked and those who do iniquity flourished, it was only that they might be destroyed forever"

Sometimes he uses us and other times he uses others to do the destroying, but He is the one who causes it to succeed. There is no guilt for killing murderers in God's law.

“Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man.

Genesis 9: 6

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Hi Peter - well you are a religious nut and I am not - assuming, when you die that you have not been vaccinated, you should find out if your religious fervor had justification, I hope so for your sake and soul, but I doubt it, I personally don't think there is a God of any sort in the afterlife, but you are entitled to your warped religious outlook, in my opinion, just the same way that I am not religious at all.

What was interesting with Trump was that he signed the secret contracts for the vaccine makers, which can be found here: Google: Pfizer-DominicanRepublic-Vaccine-Term-Sheet-19Jan2021. A Dual language copy of Trump's Operation Warp Speed, secret contract, for vaccines for an explanation of the contract contents, which applies to your country. and Trump was a Republican.

When Biden came along, he took over from Trump and carried on with Trump's Operation Warp Speed and Biden is a Democrat.

That leads me to believe there is someone much higher up in the political system in "The Swamp" in Washington who had the power and clout to get the Presidents of both parties to do his will and my guess is the is Rothschild.

Just saying.

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Yes and there is so much more we could say about the nonexistent virus, the bioweapons designed to track, change our DNA and kill, the cabal that planned it all and their minions who executed the plan for money.

I know we do not agree, but for me it shows the fingerprints of Satan all over this. He has been trying to destroy all creation since he lied to Eve in the Garden of Eden to bring death on all mankind. Now he is trying to bring that about faster and stop us from reproducing. This will make mankind extinct and with geoengineering of our skies all other forms of life on earth will be poisoned into extinction.

These minions worship Satan and sacrifice young children to him. They are even coming out openly with their signs and symbols to promote their religion that involves pedophilia also.

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Hi Peter, well we both seem to be on the same page, we just have different ways to express ourselves, that is all. In my book, both Trump and Biden are Satan, how about that?

I personally think the vaccines are the death of humanity, well, most of it and that is the intention of the Globalists who are in control and nothing will deter them now from what they have set out to achieve, for us, but not them, of course.

Me personally, I'd like to kill off the Globalists because we don't need them and they are superfluous to our needs, so since they don't regard their deaths as being necessary in the scheme of things, perhaps their deaths should be - do unto them as they would do unto me, but do it first sort of thing.

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I extrapolated from what Pfizer were paying the doctors for their patients who got the jabs.

They were not responsible for as many people as he was.

I believe he and many other politicians and CHOs have been told to resign to limit their treasonous crimes against humanity when they bring them before the military courts.

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Hi Peter. McGowan and everyone else in Pfizer's pockets, won't ever get prosecuted, because the vaccines were always experimental test vaccines, the vaccine makers and everyone else, generally involved in their production and injection are covered with blanket immunity from prosecution and you had to volunteer to have them - I did not.

The pressures to have them were clever and strong, playing on my sense of fairness and goodwill to all, however I had my free salt water cure for all viruses which has kept me safe from them for over 30 years, so I could not rationalize or see the point of an injection in the arm for a cold in my head and I still can't, which is why I did not have them.

The military were behind the vaccines from the outset. They paid 16 million dollars to the vaccine makers to develop gene drivers which theoretically would change a person's genetic makeup (trans human - no longer human with zero human rights, by Law) and make them into SuperSoldiers, like natural born weaponry, instead of the mechanical methods we employ today, obsoleting all military technologies overnight, at small cost to the country concerned.

The Chinese are doing it, so the West is doing it too, to keep up and stay on top of the arms race.

In war it is always "the people" who go to war - according to Berenson, Trump ducked Vietnam once and Biden 5 times and neither went to fight "for America" their loyalties were firmly for themselves and fuck you.

So what is different now, "the people" have all been vaccinated, the most suitable are still alive and those not suitable for conversion have been injured, for later disposal, or killed off - but conversion into what.

They are no longer human, they are all now trans human with zero human rights, for conversion or disposal and nobody gives a shit for non humans, do they?

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I think he was paid 100 million by Pfizer, but he was also told to stand down by the US military who are cleaning up this mess under Trump as Commander in Chief. This martial law declaration was set up when they found out that foreign countries (China, the Vatican, etc.) were interfering in the US elections in 2017.

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Wow, 100 million - where did you get that number - any reference please?

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