RemovedJul 29
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I am sorry - I don't follow American politcs as such - I want RFK but that seems more and more unlikely to happen and neither Trump or Harris would be my choice.

It is obvious to me that the Presidential Election is as about as dishonest as it can be, when the American people can't even hear what the individual candidates have to say, like RFK, for example - which is just one step short of the rest of you and what you are now allowed to say and think, but publically.

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RemovedJul 30
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Agreed. But if Harris gets elected President, Trump will declare civil war because "they" have stolen his Presidency again and maybe this time Trump will see out his remaining years in prison, where he rightly deserves to be - hopefully a point not lost on the Judge who sentences Trump on 18 th September.

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RemovedJul 31
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Trump has not gone to prison yet, but all of his followers on 6th Jan were rounded up by CCTV and sent to prison for terms up to 25 years - the Proud Boys leader.

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RemovedJul 26
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So with a Scottish name like MacDuff, are you a bloody American too, or a Scottie in Scotland in a Crofter's Cottage, instead?

Just so that I can get a handle on where you are coming from and your politics on the matter?

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RemovedJul 27
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I thought that it was the witches which were onto MacBeth?

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