Russia has historic claim to a portion of North America. I’d be able to tolerate Russian control of North America.

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I'd be able to tolerate China, if that were to happen here, but its not like we will have much choice on the matter, does it? My guess 50% America = Chinese control - 50% America = Russia control - give it time and perhaps we will see.

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Russia is much closer genetically and culturally.

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To you - but not to me - China here

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Communism never really appealed to me.

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Me either - but we are born into the "system" which forms and directs our lives and all of the CCTV cameras and now BioMetric pictures of us, don't appeal to me either, so what is the diffference between the two?

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Communist China has 50 times as much as we do so embracing them looks to me like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

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