I hate these 'people' with every cell in my body. Think of all those kids with both parents vaccinated. Living in the same house. Even the pets. They didn't consent to this shit. I hate our creators too because we don't consent and where are they?? Where is anything good out there? I can thank them for not falling for any project blue beams cuz fuck whoever comes to save us after all this shit. Where were you before assholes?????

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I agree with you - but I read somewhere, some years ago, that the Chinese were supposed to have made a super soldier by genetic modification which ties in with my last post today, or rather the first one on top of this page. Not heard of pets being Covid ModRNA DNA vaccinated yet. I don't believe in any God, so creation wise, that does not work with me. Nobody comes to save us once Covid ModRNA DNA vaccinated - the scientific viewpoint is that the Covid ModRNA DNA changes the Human Genome and DNA in 5 hours from injection, forming a new species with zero Rights of any kind, they now owned by Big Pharma like another GMO product, meaning, perhaps, that the bio labs springing up everywhere will have a never ending supply of ex human stock to experiment on, "to advance the human race" those left, not vaccinated, presumably, but then there is the shedding, so goodness knows - I don't - my free salt water cure is good for shedding, my guess that is, if it is a viral thing.

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