
I hope the wheels are starting to come off and the bastards behind the fake Covid pandemic might soon be held to account - Tedos has not got the all clear, He is being prosecuted for releasing the fake pandemic in the first place, Gates Wife has left him again, the Politicians are trying to put in place Disinformation Laws which protect them from the lies they told to get everyone vaccinated - I have some thoughts on that, my next post - and everyone is waking up to the deception of the vaccines ,especially as my free salt water cure kills any virus in the head, long before it gets into the body where the vaccines were supposed to kill it, though how, beats me - BionTech published that the vaccines are Gene Therapy Injections and they deliberately target the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes which suggests to me, at least, some sort of robotic control by 5G of the body so injected, via the new MAC address installed into everyone who is vaccinated and survive the vaccines - the Military having ordered and paid for the Gene Drivers which their vaccines are.

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The COVID-19 Plandemic Hoax and its Fake Vaccine Kill-Shots exposed.

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