Still won't matter. people believe young folks having heart attacks is normal. There should be moral outrage around the globe.... Nope. People have laid down. They have no fighting sprit.

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Agreed - I post this stuff on my substack but 25% of my readers might read it, what's that 250 - Trump or Biden or Harris get on stage and the whole world stops to listen - what's that - to

5 Billion now - back in 2019 that was 8.8 Billion.

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For me it has nothing to do with the numbers. It is the fact to me now folks have what I am calling dead brain syndrome. I am convinced as of this time. All facts, logic have to do with anything now? Something else has taken place. We are fighting the wrong battle. Trying to show truth, facts etc. We are in a state of delusion and illusion. Reality has been reorganized. This is a frightening time because logic and facts won't alter the situation.

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