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Go fuck yourself and while you are at it go fuck your dog as well, you useless piece of shit

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Christine - I though that you might appreciate another take on the same subject. Best regards!

Trump threatens John Deere with 200 percent tariff if it outsources manufacturing

Former President Trump threatened Illinois-based John Deere on Monday with massive tariffs on its products if it outsources some of its manufacturing to Mexico as it had previously announced, the latest indicator he would use tariffs aggressively if he wins in November.

“I just noticed behind me John Deere tractors. I know a lot about John Deere, I love the company,” Trump said at an event with farmers in Pennsylvania.

“But as you know, they’ve announced a few days ago that they’re going to move a lot of their manufacturing business to Mexico,” he continued. “I’m just notifying John Deere right now, if you do that, we’re putting a 200 percent tariff on everything you want to sell into the United States, so that if I win John Deere is going to be paying a 200 percent — they haven’t started it yet. Maybe they haven’t even made the final decision yet. But I think they have.”

Fox Business Network reported in June that John Deere, which sells tractors, crop harvesters and other large equipment, was laying off roughly 600 staff members at plants in Illinois and Iowa. — The Hill

Our Take: Carrots and sticks are foundational to behavioral change. A tax incentive to build your business in a specific locale is an example of the carrot.

Trump’s coming tariffs are an example of the stick.

This line stands out to me:

‘Experts have warned that tariffs would lead to an increase in inflation, with companies passing on additional costs to consumers.’

This conclusion assumes that these tariffs will have no impact on the behavior of John Deere Green. This is a silly and detached conclusion; the company certainly understands the reality of the market and price thresholds for their customer base. Harris’ inflation recipe has already gotten them close.

While everyone thinks of tractors, etc. when they think of JDG, it’s important to understand that their impact on our food supply is much more far reaching. It’s not just tractors and similar equipment; it’s infrastructure for chemicals and, as it appears on paper, poison.

In March 2022, ‘John Deere will have double-digit units of its green-on-green See & Spray Ultimate targeted spraying system available to order later this year.’

If it’s not clear, they’re automating the poison delivery systems from the beginning, and through the end, of flora growth.

These companies aren’t effectively regulated because JDR is exceptionally good at lobbying, and they spend millions in escalating corporations above people.

Make America healthy again. Even if it means putting certain corporations out of business. — Ashe in America

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Hi Mom - before you were a twinkle in your mother's eye I used to work at a heat treatment plant for large metal objects and one of the things we did was pick up cold John Deere tractor axles with a large pair of tongs on a long chain from an overhead gantry and put them into white hot furnaces at waist height, to harden them. After hours in these furnaces, the tractor axles were white hot and you could almost see through them, it seemed, then we had to use the same tongs, manually, to lift the tractor axles out and drop them in large open tanks of diesel fuel nearby and run for our lives as the fuel, flaming, shot out and would have covered our fireproof overalls, had we still been in the vicinity and that's how we hardened John Deere tractor axles - that was about 40 years ago when I was a much younger thing than I am today - I don't live in America, obviously - so........

Personally, I think putting crazy tariff's on anyone who sells to America, like Biden is with the Chinese electric cars is crazy, all it does is drive up the costs of electric cars in America which only the rich can afford to buy - where is the sense in that?

I don't like Trump, but then I'm not keen on Harris either and my hope was that Bobby would stay the course and compete against them both and hopefully become POTUS.

It was crazy for him to bow out in favour of Trump, in my opinion, because he did not want to take votes from Trump, because Bobby would have been taking votes from Harris as well and only the person with the most votes could have been the next POTUS and that might have been Bobby, I would have thought.

From my view, whoever gets to be POTUS - America will need some help from God, is my guess - and I'm not religious, that way either.

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