RemovedJul 26
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I seem to recall that an American female poitician went over and insulted the man in charge in Nigeria, pretty much said they were a satellite state of America and he blew his stack and ordered the Yanks out of his country.

My understanding is that as the Yanks moved out, the Chinese moved in - probably - the Yanks left all of their military equipment behind for the Nigerians and the Chinese like they did in Vietnam and more recently Afghanistan, but that would probably have also been for the Russians.

Did You read the piece where a US Army Officer ran outside and shot and killed 2 Afghan's taking photo's of his kids - turns out that when the Yanks made an ordered retreat from Afghan on Biden's orders, they left behind all of their "military personnel" files, as well.

Like Duh!!

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RemovedJul 27
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No, under Biden's orders, it was a "get out quick" and in the process the troops did not have time to blow up the stuff they left behind. Berenson called Biden a Coward and Trump too. Both ducked Call Up to Vietnam and neither went, Trump once and Biden 5 times, like 5 times - once a Coward, always a Coward and it shows with foreign policy when leaving somewhere is paramount over common sense and what shou;d be destroyed and not left behind, for the incoming enemy to make greater use of, against you, next time.

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