Oh, Christine! You don't seriously believe that ANY of these villains has taken even ONE vaccine since the beginning of time, do you?


ps: I have been working on a parody to the tune of "Fascination." Can you guess what it's about? I have more than 15 verses so far... Would you like me to share that?


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Well, last time i looked nobody had written "Stupid here" on my forehead - because like the above - I don't contribute to being vaccinated either. My stupid Doctor does which is why I keep visits to him down to about absolute needs must - which is about once a year - I must be his worst patient.

Re: ps: I have been working on a parody to the tune of "Fascination." Can you guess what it's about? I have more than 15 verses so far... Would you like me to share that

Me: Yes Please - I was thinking I've been missing my book on Aesop's Fables - not seen it for over 60 years (world travel and relocation years ago) and I could do with a cynical laugh from time to time.

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