I have talking about this for three years. Now it is heading into the mainstream. Nothing new for me. Now it is to late for many. Folks didn't see this coming and now we are here. It is all about the blood!!!

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Their DNA in the blood. The weapon to render specific races dead, or ethnic majorities or minorities by 5G presumably - now - there are way to many Muslim's, how about a free demo to see how effective the new weapon is then?

Obviously, the viruses were injected with the vaccine and that's how people got Covid. I'm not convinced that viruses don't exist when recorded facts show that something passes a disease from an infected person to a not infected person, we have just not defined what that is.

I'm inclined to think those who push the no virus perogative are nudging, to get people away from what they don't want put around, bearing in mind we don't know friend from foe here, simply by some ficitious name.

I've got you down as M - you M or F?

Iraq and Afghanistan too - wow?

The real heroes are those who don't say anything about their military past or downplay it - me thinks you.

Just saying.

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Muslim is a religion to me not people. Arabs are more of a people. Pakistanian are from India if go back in history. Pakistan was India. Same people different religion from Hindu. I am no expert on that but that is the history. I am male. The military in America is just an opportunity for individuals who are looking for something else or something to do. There are patriots who believe the hype but many are there for school and money.

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Thanks for your reply, appreciated. Agreed the military is a way of seeing the world, goes for all forces I suppose - my father was in The Royal Air Force England, for life, but me Civvy Street, flat feet and all. Did not stop me travelling the world or leaving England in 1971 when I was 24 years old, never to return.

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The main thing to really understand is private corporations runs America. It is one big dance. Democrat or Republican. They just give the illusion of difference. I do know the differences but make know mistake it is the same deal. Folks just do not get it.

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Understood. So nothing really changes and everything stays much the same, they just take down one flag and put up another.

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The business of America is Business. It had to change from 1930's due to the infiltration of the communism that F.D.R activated during that time to save America. America was battling the communist business since then. It is a wide conversation. Once I was taught the truth I never turned back. The Business of America is Business and it is brutal if you do not understand that. It also why true business is not taught in school. The whole education system is Prussian if you trace it back. It was made to build people loyal to the Kaiser and make the lowest of the low cannon fodder to die in the wars. Patriotism. The game changed in the 60's but the elements at its core is still there. for me but if you do not know the core then you are caught up in the delusion.

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I don't want to be around anyone "vaccinated", ESPECIALLY for sex or intimacy.

It's the nano-tech "operating system" that's been installed in the "vaccinated" that I'm worried about, in addition to the toxic spike protein factories that the "vaccinated" have become. It's easily verifiable. If they say they're not "vaccinated" (they're NOT "vaccines"), then I would check them for MAC addresses emitting from their body. Super easy to do. Also the nano-tech is supposedly transmittable through sex, as well as the Covid nasal swab tests. So not only do you have to avoid the "vaccinated", you also have to avoid anyone unvaccinated that's taken a "Covid test" and anyone unvaccinated that's had sex with a "vaccinated" partner. It's damn near impossible to find anyone that meets this criteria.

I'm using the "NextGen Bluetooth RSSI Analyzer" on my phone (no longer available from the Play store of course). It easily detects if someone has the MAC address emitting nano-tech in them, but you have to get them away from other humans by about 100 feet to test them. Also there's ways to set your Android or Apple phones to detect "unknown" Bluetooth MAC addresses without having a third party app. You have to put the phone in developer mode and change some Bluetooth settings.

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I'd like to see a freely publicly available test for vaks status like the few ethical autopsy medics use. not that I'd take it, just like to see what would happen when a bunch of folks find out they're shedding-vaksinated.

apparently there's a tag in the vaks-produced spike protein which indicates the company source of the injection too, which wouldn't be hard to add as a feature to the "are you screwed?" vaks status test

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I don't believe in the shedding thing. If the Elite are trying to exterminate us, if there is a back story as I suggest, then they won't want to get the chop with us, either. It makes no sense then that shedding is viable, any more than some people believe that viruses don't exist, but can't explain how an infected person makes a not infected person, infected, by viral, nasal infection, hence my free salt water cure. There are two schools of thought, in my opinion - the vaccines are just another medical procedure which in its infancy was bloody terrible and killed more than it saved and as time passes vaccines will improve and those that had the shot are safe as any other medication might be - or there is a back story as The US Supreme Court Law of 2013 implies and an extermination program is in place with over one billion world wide, so far exterminated in line with the Great Reset which was supposed to have been started by Bill Gates in 2025 to achievement by 2030, but Bill decided to do it sooner after his Event 201 with Moderna's Covid-19 virus computer model he had there - Covid was released a few weeks after Event 201 probably from Fort Detrick and the Chinese had nothing to do with it, they were the scapegoat in an American shift the blame, intelligence coup.

Time will tell which of the two is the truth - if more die on a constant evolving not explained process, then the Great Reset is viable - if fewer die and eventually none at all, trhen it was a medical model after all and we are all old women - well I am anyway - worrying about things our betters knew about, but we chose to ignore.

Does that help - no idea. I remain not vaccinated and a pure blood, as such, while presumably the vaccinated now have dirty blood which I don't want. In the scenario of having sex with a vaccinated person we might get a human type of Myxomatosis, which I don't want either, but then again, shedding might very easily occur, which is a lot like having Herpes and passing it on through sex with someone who does not have Herpes, sort of thing.

Hope the above helps somewhat - I don't know - it is how it is - and the fuckers are still producing more vaccines for Moderna's Covid-19 virus made with DARPA's help and patented by Moderna in 2013 as above - what gets me is why the secrecy and why the disinformation laws from early 2020 to mid 2023 to force everyone to get vaccinated, if there was nothing to be worried about by choosing to have the vaccine or refuse it, by common consent?

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Why are my comments not showing up on the comment section of your substack? Are you too controlled opposition trying to hide the truth?

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Sorry Mark - wherever you are I am in a different time zone to you. In all probability I am as far away from you as I can possibly get, before returning back again and I have had a Carer gone just now, polite name for my home cleaner, had breakfast and been away from my computer for a bit - in fact I thought I was talking with someone else, because your post was mixed in with theirs too, but the same request holds true.

Let me put th at another way - welcome Buddy, my substack is always open to anyone who wants to conrrespond with me online, or the back way if you don't want to write to me in the clear - I don't mind if we have a difference of opinon, makes for more interesting conversations as long as no personal attacks involved in it.

Truth - Um - me anti vaccines big time, always have been. Any truth based from that is the truth I'm interested in, how is that?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

I don't want to be around anyone "vaccinated", ESPECIALLY for sex or intimacy. I don't even want to breathe the same air they're breathing if it's avoidable.

It's the nano-tech "operating system" that's been installed in the "vaccinated" that I'm worried about for sex, in addition to the toxic spike protein factories that the "vaccinated" have become. It's easily verifiable. If they say they're not "vaccinated" (they're NOT "vaccines"), then I would check them for MAC addresses emitting from their body. Super easy to do. Also the nano-tech is supposedly transmittable through sex, as well as the Covid nasal swab tests. So not only do you have to avoid the "vaccinated", you also have to avoid anyone unvaccinated that's taken a "Covid test" and anyone unvaccinated that's had sex with a "vaccinated" partner. It's damn near impossible to find anyone that meets this criteria.

I'm using the "NextGen Bluetooth RSSI Analyzer" on my phone (no longer available from the Play store of course). It easily detects if someone has the MAC address emitting nano-tech in them, but you have to get them away from other humans by about 100 feet to test them. Also there's ways to set your Android or Apple phones to detect "unknown" Bluetooth MAC addresses without having a third party app. You have to put the phone in developer mode and change some Bluetooth settings.

I generally don't mention anything about the MAC address phenomenon to anyone "vaccinated". What's the point? It's done, they're done.

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I'm a dummy when it comes to Android and Apple phones. I have both but they are not connected to the internet as there is nobody I know or want to speak to, via a mobile phone, so why bother with one? I got my Android changed to developer mode and then it did nothing, so what do I do to make it scan for the MAC address of anyone near me - what settings and how to apply them in simple language for a dunce, that is me (Oh wise one)?

Do you have the app for the "NextGen Bluetooth RSSI Analyzer" which you could copy and send to me as an attachment or something like that for an Apple phone- Deposit File is a good internet storage warehouse, if you want to send it via that sort of way, do it free, just load, get the URL and post it on to me, then I download it from Deposit File.

I otherwise agree with you, they are dirty blood and we are pure blood and we can't be near them or they with us, which is a bastard if you are young, at least you are, not me and want to have a healthy arrangement at some stage with another pure blood presumably - I am relying on my overweight obese companion being around a few more years to keep me company - after that, I'm done like a dog's dinner, everyone available will be vaccinated in all probability - Bugger. Nothing works anymore like it used to. If you don't use it, you lose it after 45 or thereabouts - if the worst comes to the worst, there is always a wank to keep the heat off and the body sort of decommissioned.

You gave your name as ending with Ford. Knew someone with Ford in their name, had wealthy connections to Ford by marriage, that you too, no matter how distant? - I hope so.

Out of curiosity, how did your parents feel about you signing up to the Army - I get it, you ran around with a Sat Phone on your back - right?

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Sorry Mark - my bad, confused you with someone else. Do you forgive me?

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you have to go to developer options (often hidden under system settings) and scroll through all the settings there until you find Bluetooth. it's hard to get more specific because it seems like every manufacturer and flavor of android has their own deviation on the stock settings.

the name of the setting on my Mojorola is "show Bluetooth devices without names." its description is "Bluetooth devices without names (MAC addresses only) will be displayed."

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Oh Hooray SomeDude. At last an explanation which makes sense - I will give it a whirl, I've got both Apple and Android, one a cast off, the other Android, I purchased from China - occasionally it dies and takes everything on it down as well - don't use either now, use this computer instead for "everything" on line. I prefer the written word and I'm not quite as deaf as a post, but I can't hear a bloody iPhone, don't know why - pitch maybe?

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My reply to you below - my excuse, getting old makes me occasionally silly - skip the bit about Ford and the Army, I was confusing you with someone else.

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RemovedJul 23
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Well, in America you have that stuff sprayed from the skies onto all of you and my guess is that is how you got your dose for free, probably thank Bill Gates for that one. The died suddenly phenomenon is probably caused by the carbon oxide particles in the vaccines: Dr Noack: They show that it is not graphene oxide, but rather graphene hydroxide. I would like to explain what this graphene hydroxide is. It is mono-layer activated carbon. There are C6 rings. He found it in all samples. Every corner is a carbon atom. This is on a nanoscale.

I’ll cut this up a bit here. If it is 50nm long, there are 500 rings in a row. These are hydroxy groups (OH). In graphene oxide you have double bonded oxygen, and in graphene hydroxide you have an OH group. The electrons are delocalised (fully mobile). The piece is 50nm long but only 0.1 nm thick. These C6 structures are extremely stable. You can make brake pads out of this. It is not biologically decomposable.

These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades. These razor blades are injected into the body. Nano-scale, tiny razor blades. Only one atom layer thick. Relatively wide and high. They are razors, biologically not decomposable. The OH (hydroxy) groups can split off a proton. When the proton is split off, they gain a negative charge spread out over the whole system.

It is basically an acid. It suspends well in water because of the negative charge. So these are razor blades spread homogenously in the liquid. This is basically Russian roulette. You can see it very clearly in this woman. It cuts the blood vessels. The blood vessels have epithel cells as their inner lining. The epithel is extremely smooth. like a mirror. And it is cut up by these razor blades. That is what’s so dangerous.

If you inject the vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithel. The mean thing is that toxicological tests are done in Petri dishes. And there you will not find anything. These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick.

This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp. I am a specilist in activated carbon. In my doctoral thesis, I have converted graphen oxide to graphene hydroxide. I joined the world’s leading activated carbon manufacturer. After a year I was in charge of new activated carbon products. We bought a small company in Durham, near Newcastle, England. I was in charge of “new carbon products”, Europe-wide. I was in application scouting.

If you perform an autopsy on the victims, you will not find anything. Toxicologists do their tests in Petri dishes. They can’t imagine that there are structures that can cut up blood vessels. There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose. People bleed to death on the inside. Especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast flowing blood. The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do.

As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer. It’s a new material, toxocologists are not aware of it yet. Suddenly it makes sense that victims look like this. And that top athletes with high blood circulation, completely healthy, suddenly drop dead. You see people collapse immediately after vaccination and have a seizure. These people had bad luck in the Russian roulette. Very likely, a vein was hit by the syringe.

The question you have to ask politicians and the question doctors should ask Pfizer, is: Why are these razor blades in the vaccine?

Now they want to force vaccinate children from the age of 6 months.

I am not a Christian - I am an Aethist and as it happens I am also a pure blood, not by choice, but because I refused to be vaccinated, like a few others did here - about 3% is roughly it, so we are told - possibly about 8,000 tops, probably mainly kids and a few oldies like me who don't trust easily, so up shit creek without a paddle, if the worst comes to the worst in the months or next few years, I expect. I purchased a wrecking bar from a local hardware store, so i'm good to go - let the pets out to fend for themselves, feed those I can

The vaccines are NOT mRNA DNA they are Mod RNA DNA and change your genome and DNA in 6 hours from the vaccine shot, so that by US Law 2013, you are no longer Human and you are now a new species with zero Rights of any kind, by that Law after vaccination, that was deliberate and intentional I'd say.

So if mRNA DNa is the key to Heaven, what door does ModRNA DNA, synthetic, made in a laboratory, never existed at any time previously and thus patented, open, instead? so that theoretically the vaccinated's bodies now belong to the person who paid for the vaccines in the first place, ordered and paid for by Trump for the US Army just for starters:

This is the US Army contract with Pfizer for the supply of the vaccines which Trump signed which Trump by the Defense Production Act, gave himself the absolute and only authority to sign - and which the US Army then supplied to all - for Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which you will see referenced third paragraph down.


President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.

AND you want to vote Trump in again?

Problem with dying is that it is unavoidable, so better a heads up on possibilities than going in blind, but wherever your soul goes, it can't come back here, if that new door, does not take you to Heaven. Unfortunately.

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RemovedJul 24
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Thanks for your reply. Me work in that industry, no, not me, just copying and pasting the information on, thought I was pushing shit uphill with it, but I persevered as nobody else seemed to have any more information on the carbon particles in the injections until I came across Kyle Young's 2021 article which clarified and confirmed Dr Noack's blurb - he died from putting it out there - military weapon activated by 5G shhh, it's a secret!!

Trump is a motor mouth and he hopefully is alienating most of America against him, so OK, you had forgotten when he was President, last time and why you gave him the boot after one term in the top job, are those reason coming back again now - Harris seems to have fucked her way into politics and as Biden's running mate, according to my latest post on her and she certainly has the right idea to tax Corporate America with a 35% tax rate don't you think?

I still say vote RFK, he is the best man for the job and for the rest of us, the rest of the world too.

I did not take the shot either, but it is entirely possible that we might have to defend ourselves through the Courts to not be, at some time in the future and with that in mind, I'm thinking of creating an "emergency pack", so we have the legal tools to stop authorities from making that happen, rather than just relying on NO!!

Watch my substack

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RemovedJul 25
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Good, I'm pleased about the emergency pack - we need more than a refusal to stop being injected at any time in the future - legal instruments works every time, a lot better than so called unproven political theories.

RFK is your only choice of the 3 of them

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