I cover all this and much more in my book "Our Country, Then and Now."


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Then you probably have covered my latest post as well Richard

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411: "First, the 9/11 attacks by Islamic terrorists..." is nonsense.

Waterboarding Dikless Cheney, one of the most evil swine ever to exist would reveal the truth... Lots of Saudi and Mossad help... Cheney and Wolfowitz were the prime planners (and Traitors)... George Bush is a simpleton, but his pappy still had a widespread crime organization, including the CIA... Rudy G. helped get the evidence removed quickly to China...

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9/11 were planes flown by Islamic terrorists. - I know where I was then, i remember watching it all unfold on my TV. Newspaper Reporter Berenson called both Trump and Biden "Cowards" because they both ducked Call Up and neither went to Vietnam, Trump once and Biden 5 Times - How Biden managed that escapes me - Great Presidents you have in America - don't dare themselves, spare other American's instead for their comings and goings like with their vaccines.

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You shouldn't speak at what you clearly know nothing about. Those "terrorists could no more fly those planes in the manner that they were flown than YOU could flap your arms and fly to the moon.... Begin your education on 9/11 here... there is a ton more to learn, but for a start:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieww8Ws1nDY (short one)

https://vimeo.com/604231275 (Much more info)

https://www.ae911truth.org/ (Facts)

Vietnam was a war for MIC profit. A disgrace. Avoiding it was a sign of intellect, not "cowardice". The two Iraq wars... ditto. So many of our best youths, dead or maimed, all for corporate profit... and what did we gain?

Trump, IMO, is a good man... flawed... sure... but who is YOUR leader, in whatever shithole you are hiding in... why are you afraid of speaking to what country YOU reside in?

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Berenson called Trump and Biden cowards - they both ducked vietnam and neither went, Trump once and Biden 5 times - great Presidential material then?

Fuck you too

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Berenson is a POS and you are too. Where did either of you maggots serve? Why fight in a war for corporate profit, you yeasty slob? 50,000 fine young men, dead in 'Nam and what did we gain... anything, you prolapsed clown?? How about Iraq... did we gain anything, even a drop of oil?? Hell no, you dumb broad.

No thanks, I wouldn't fuck you with Biden's shriveled dick. F-off, loser moron!!

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Oh Goody - I do enjoy Shit Heads. you are an American scum, like the rest of your miserable kind - your fucking leader Biden, was a Coward in the Vietnam War and a good example for you, who hopefully has been vaccinated and I hope you survive the vaccines so that your body can be taken over by Moderna and made into a super soldier without your miserable Soul or Sprirt in it - that will be extinguished with a quick electric shock, before AI is installed in its place. Since the Ukraine War is being lost to Putin, expect your call up papers from Moderna for genetic modification soon. I wouldn't fuck you with Trump's worn out old Dick - better a sub machine gun up yout bum and a quick burst to carve out a new insides for you - doubt it would improve your looks, as you don't have any worth a mention. Go stick your head up your arse and disappear like a Whoo Foo bird Dick for Brains.

You call me names - at least I've got one - "Abiding Dude" what sort of name is that? Mummy where is Abiding? Where do you live Dick for Brains, you seem keen in finding out where I live, but don't say where you are?

Over to you Darling.

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