2022-2024: Britain wants to start a war between the US and Russia.

1939-1941: Britain wants to start a war between the US and Germany/Japan.

1914-1917: Britain wants to start a war between the US and Germany.

Hm...do we think there's a pattern here?


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Hi Richard C - My latest post covers that relatively well, first or seond one - with my advice on what to do if you are NOT at the epicenter of the blast - if you are - bang - you are gone anyway.

I left England because of the threat of an eventual nuclear war, but that was back in 1971 and I distanced myself from ever being on the front end of a nuclear weapon, so I thought - fail - but it is how it is and I think a potential nuclear shield covers me now.

The English sent their missiles to the Ukraine as did the USA and Putin is potentially retaliating against the UK and the USA because of that fact - not pulling in the non nuclear countries yet - into direct war with him.

Personally, if Putin wanted to recapture Ukraine back into the Soviet Block as it was before, so what - I don't understand the West's determination to stop that from happening ,before I found out about the 35 Trillion Dollars worth of assets the Ukraine poses for America and Blackrock and why "they" want it - I suppose if they were to add Russia as well, that would be potentially many more Trillions of assets to be gathered up too - China is going with Russia in a nuclear war and I gather the Chinese have lots of inground nuclear weapons pointing at America, so unless America has an Iron Dome nuclear defense security - why they could add China and its potential resources to the Ukraine, Russia and China for Blackrock as well?

Be interesting to see if we Human Rubbish get called up to fight after being potentially exterminated by those vaccines and 5G won't it - useless for troops anyway, any pressure and the vaccinated will drop dead from Heart Attacks in all probability, for Trump who ducked Call Up to Vietnam once and Biden 5 times ,according to Berenson and niether went, last time - great leaders to fight for, they fight from the back and let the troops take the punishment up front, like Trump did on 6th January Riot.

It seems to me that Putin might not go nuclear - to have nuclear weapons, they need some chemical which needs to be topped up in the warhead frequently, otherwise they are dud when they fail to explode and it was theorized that with the ground war in the Ukraine, Putin would not have been able to keep his nuclear weapons active, but in the interlude, I'm sure spies would have updated the West on that and the nuclear potential of Putin's threats - has the West kept their nuclear weapons active, theorectically yes, but I don't know about that either - when there was no threat, why bother.

England is just an island, not that big and when Hitler was planning to invade, it was only the English Channel which kept him away - Churchill, rightly, wanted the American's to start a war against Hitler, but America refused to do that, until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour which caused America to enter that war in 1941 - however, like with Zelensky, America provided England with the weaponry and support fuel and food to resist Hitler, with their Liberty Ships which were designed to only cross the ocean once, if they survived Hitler's U-Boats, once England hot the Enigma Coce machine and the code books they could start killing the U-boats because they knew where they would be and when, without letting on to Hitler that the English had them, as the U-boats got sunk, more Libertry Ships made it to England and even returned for more supplies.

Without America, England could not have stopped Hitler from invading - same as Zelensky can't continue defying Putin, without England and America's indirect support - the same way that Russia provided The Taliban with weaponry to fight against America in Afghanistan, which is what America did for The Taliban, when Russia was in control of Afghanistan, before them.

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