Thank you for reposting this article from "The Exposé." I have long thought that chemtrails actually CREATE global warming rather than cool the earth. In essence, they provide a greenhouse over the earth. A greenhouse on anyone's lawn or property remains heated simply by the sun in many cases to germinate and nurture plants. A greenhouse keeps a steady warm environment by just closing doors and windows. I have never thought about deliberately melting the polar caps to seize the mineral and natural resources under the ice caps. Great explanation!

The other notable plausible idea is that our planet is actually cooling rapidly with a mini-ice age ensuing. Given the incredible numbers of early snow in various parts of the world (just snowed in Italy in September!), we might be entering that ice age. The Globalists, of course, would prefer not, I suppose. They have other plans. The chemtrails, of course, are sickening people quite a bit.

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Global warming is horseshit and meaningless twaddle to scare those amongst us into believing in it - I remember when I was a kid in boarding school back in 1957 (Rodney Boarding School in England - Google it - I was its worst pupil educationally, because I hated my parents and payback's a bitch) then some cunt predicted the world was about to end and we all went out and sat on the lawn out front and waited for the world to end and i'm still waiting.

There are air streams which heat and cool our planet naturally, The Gulf Stream is one, El Nino is another and our planet is not overheating or cooling, some years are hotter than others, some are cooler, it is how it is, but we have the froot loop element amongst us who probably have a fright when they look at themselves in a mirror and they have found a way to make money without having to work for it and global warming is their way of doing that.

Bill Gates, who was probably behind this vaccines drive and Moderna's Covid-19 virus, made with DARPA's help and patented in 2013 and released after Bill's Event 201 in 2019 - well you know how that went, Pfizer's vaccine, according to The Lancet was 0.84% effective against Covid and Covid 99.16% effective in getting you as events have since proved (and the other vaccines were not much better), so the vaccines were never about Covid, but for some other reason, yet to be discovered, but my guess, to do with 5G and after 2024 - 2025 will be when we find out - if you read my theoretical post recently about my Diabetes going away like 3G is.

Bill wanted mirrors slung into space to stop the sun's heat from warming our planet and apparently the Aussies fired particles of ice into the atmosphere recently to deflet the suns rays and keep Aussie cooler, don't know how that went, like duh!! the lunatic fringe at it again.

If this world enters the ice age because of these idiots and their machinations, then all life will probably eventually cease to exist and that's that, game over for most of us - I don't care for myself, I'm late 70's and most of you young ones won't make it to my age, post vaccines and because of those vaccines and 5G, together, but now anyway and we all have to die sometime - shit happens.

I like to post stuff on, which seems relevant - it's like the Covid scare, when Trump or Biden and now Harris get on their soapbox, the whole world stops to lisen to what they say - when I get on my substack soapbox and have my say, perhaps 300 people might read it - I have a membership over 1,000 - but I had to try and do my bit with my free salt water cure for all Covid infections, it is how it is and the lunatic fringe have control now and there is fuck all that any of us Human Rubbish can do to stop them, exterminating us or fucking up our planet, but for themselves - it is how it is.

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