
I am NOT a Royalist and I personally think that the English Monarchy deserve to be disbanded or shot, however, my tenant wanted to watch the coronation and I watched it with her and it was an impressive display to be sure.

Charles always wanted to be King and now with his wife Queen Camilla he now is, with her - I wish them both well, for however long he is King.

Passing thought - if one person in amongst all of those well wishers had Covid, then they all potentially will get Covid as well, so I guess it is fortunate that they all have been vaccinated, then they won't catch it - right?

Have to see if there is a Covid spread in England, over the next few days then.

I noticed that Biden and his wife were not present - was that expected?

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The USA might currently be awash in stupidity

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And untruth, but at least we aren’t beholden to murderous Charles, who is completely onboard with the great reset, climate agenda, and population reduction.

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