in this era what is an emergency and what is a disaster?

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What is an extermination policy derived from an emergency of a disaster, we were not told the background story of?

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The food is another component. The farming also. This has been going on for decades.

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Ah yes, Cows which belch and Fart Bill Gates pet hate - Carbon. I remember many years ago, when I left the country I was living in for another, this one - I passed a field with Sheep in it and one of the Sheep farted O Rings, just the same as some people can with cigarette smoke, it was really cold, just above freezing, presumably that sort of farming too, which you refer to.

I think I read that the Aussies are stopping live Sheep exports because too many Sheep die during transportation to Arabia from heat stress - I'm sure the Sharks which follow the Sheep carrying ships will be devastated!!

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the climate change and covid are linked at the hip. Cows have been on the planet. Sheep have been on the planet. man is not god but he thinks he is. Man has created this climate change issue according to there science which I do not follow. The oceans and the sun dictate more than anything they say

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There is no climate change, everything is the same and nothing changes - if there is money to be made with nutty ideas, then there are eople who will promote it, for their income stream. The islands which were supposed to be sinking into the oceans were taken by overhead satellite photo's - comparing them with new photo's, shows that the islands are rising out of the sea and not sinking into it.

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This ids what I mean but you have hundreds of millions believing these things. If you have hundreds of millions following fallacy what can we expect?

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