PT Barnum, explained:

-'There's a Sucker born every minute....

Everyone falls for something at some point"

- No human is perfect...

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It’s a bit too late. We all have been genetically modified creatures since time immemorial. As we are, we are already heavily modified. Every one of us. And them (possibly). Evidence is abundant, you only need to open your eyes and see it.

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I am not vaccinated. I am Human with all of my Human Rights. Interestingly, only those who volunteered to be vaccinated were and the US Law makes that point, it seems to me. Thomas Renz American Lawyer had a number of cases for the vaccinated up to the Geneva Convention back in 2020 for "Crimes Against Humanity" and all cases were thrown out by the Geneva Convention Judges and none made it to Trial. My taking was that this was a 2 part issue. 1) They volunteered 2) They were no longer Human and did not have any Human Rights and the Geneva Convention was for Humans only, not some other non Human species.

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This is the silent bomb that is being not discussed. The question is what is human will be the question as we move forward. Cheers

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Agreed - and someone without any Rights is in a really bad place from the get go in my opinion

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